chapter 4

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I woke up in shock. I was breathing heavily. I looked around. I was in a hospital bed. What? I sat up seeing my mom and  two sisters next to me. "Mom?" I said,"Oh honey, are you alright? " she said. Her face had tears staining her face.

I nodded after a few hours we left the hospital. I sat on my bed, looking at the bandages that wrapped around my chest and shoulder. I heard a knock at my door, "Just a second," I called out, putting my shirt back on.

I got up to open my door to see Abby with one of her friends. "Hey cal, I'm still sorry about the other night." Abby apologized. She and her friend sat on the floor. "Oh cal, this is rue,rue this is callie," Abby said. I nodded.

Rue looked out of it she looked high out of her mind, Rue was a junior, as well as Abby. Rue didn't talk much. "Hey, you guys, like wanna walk around or something," Rue finally said after some awkward silence.

"Sure, cal you wanna go," Abby asked "sure" I nodded. We walked downstairs to ask my mom, but she wasn't home "fuck" Abby said running her hands through her hair "Dose that mean we have to bring Amelia with us" I asked she nodded.

I ran upstairs. "Hey Amelia, come on, we're gonna walk around, and you got to come," I said she nodded, and she quickly put her shoes on. We walked downstairs "okay let's go," us four walked out of the house.

We were about a block from the house when Rue spoke up, "Hey, is it okay if we stop at my friends shop for like 10 minutes?" Abby nodded. We arrived at a corner store we walked in "hey rue" a voice said, I looked up to see fezco. "Oh hey kid, how's the arm?" He asked

"It feels better. Thanks for asking," I smiled. "Holy shit you two know each other," Rue asked. "Yeah, we met at some party." I explained."Oh cool, um, fez is ashtray in the back?" Rue asked.

'Ashtray, who's that, and that's kinda a weird name?' I thought to myself "yeah he is." Fezco said, taking me out of my thoughts. I watched Rue walk into a freezer, Abby followed.

"Callie, can I get a snack?" Amelia pulled on my shirt "yeah of course, " I pulled some money out of my pocket. Amelia grabbed a chocolate bar. "You want a drink?" I asked. Looking down at Amelia, she nodded, and she grabbed a juice.

I made eye contact with the kid talking to Rue and Abby, I smiled at him, but he ignored me and turned in his chair, grabbing something out of a microwave. I turned around, putting the juice and chocolate bar next to fezco as he scanned it.

I handed him some money. "Nah kid, I gotchu," he said. "You sure," I asked "yeah kid it's paid off down, worry," fezco said "thanks fezco" I smiled while handing Amelia her stuff, and she sat by the door eating her chocolate "you know you can call me fez instead of fezco" he chuckled a little.

I nodded. I joked around with Amelia and talked a little with fez a little more. "Why are they taking so long, dose she always take this long?" I asked,standing up. fez shook his head. "You can head in there," he said. "Oh no, Amelia, I have to watch her," I said

"If you want, I could watch her," fez said. Amelia stood up. "Are you sure?" He nodded."Okay, Amelia, be good. I'll be right back. " I kissed her head. I opened the freezer door to see Abby,rue sitting down in front of the boy.

They all looked at me. "What are yall doing? That's taking so long. I'm just sitting down there with a 7 year old, and what an 20 year old" I crossed my arms "look,callie. Just wait a little longer." Abby stood up.

"Fine, but if ya'll take longer than 20 minutes, I'm going home." I turned around and walked out to see fez playing with Amelia.

"You really know how to make kids happy," I smiled "well yeah someone had to raise ash." He smiled, putting Amelia next to him on the counter.

We talked for a bit "okay that's it," I opened the freezer door. "Abby, I'm leaving," I shook my head "wait callie" i heard Abby say. I grabbed Amelia's hand. "Bye fez," I waved at him "bye kid, be safe," I heard fez say as I walked out.


I sat on my bed, staring at the texts my sister had been sending me telling me to come back to the store. I sighed as I heard a car door shut, I walked downstairs to see my mom flop on the couch. "callie,baby, could you go get mom some wine?" My mom asked, pulling out a 20 dollar bill.

I nodded as I put my shoes on. I walked back to fezco's store. "Back again, huh?" He said I rolled my eyes."fez, can you do me a favor?" I asked "depends" he looked down at me. "Do you have any wine or shit? It's for my mom, I swear."

"Fine, you better not be lying, there back there with ash, oh yeah, by the way, Rue and Abby left like 5 minutes ago," fez said "okay thanks fez" I opened the freezer door the kid looked up at me.

"You got wine or something?" I put my hands in my pockets he didn't say anything he just stood up and grabbed a box, handing me a bottle of wine "thanks" I took it, and he nodded. I left the freezer, putting it next to fezco to scan, I handed him the $20 bill.

"Thanks, fez," I said waving "bye kid,be safe." I walked home. i saw the sun going down. I watched as it got darker.

I made it home. My mom passed out on the couch. I put the wine in the kitchen as I covered her with a blanket.

I went upstairs, changed into my pajamas, and went to sleep.

A/n:Okay, that's the 4th chapter. I hope you enjoyed it :) Word:1055

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