chapter 9

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After I explained to abby about my neck, she told me that her and maddy went to fez's house at the wrong time and the guy 'mouse' or something was there the same time they showed up and did the same thing to them.

I didn't want to tell my mom what had happened, so I felt it be, but Abby didn't go to school for about 3 days. I did check in on her occasionally, but every time I did, she would be asleep. My mom would ask both me and Abby what's wrong, but we both just said she had the flu or something.


I was walking around town, not knowing what to do. I was supposed to meet up with Avery, but she had to finish her homework. I found myself at Fezco's store, I walked in "hey what's up, kid?" Fez said, sitting in a chair by the counter.

"Nothing much, just waiting for my friend," I shrugged, walking over to the coolers and taking a gatorade out,making eye contact with ash I waved, knowing he wasn't gonna wave back.

But he did wave back.

I put my drink on the counter as I handed fez the money. I took a sip from my drink as I felt my phone ping.

Hey cal, imma be a minute. Something came up. Sorry, text you when I'm done.

Okay, that's fine

See ya

See ya


I sighed after sending the last text , which was left on read "you okay?" I looked up from my phone and over to fez "yeah I'm fine. Um, do you think I could hang here for a few minutes?" I dropped my phone back into my pocket."Yeah, that's fine. If you want, you can go chill with ash back there," fez nodded his head towards the coolers.

I nod while going into the cooler that Ash was in he didn't say anything,just looking at me, then back to the stack of money in his hands. "What do you want?" he didn't look up from the stack, " I'm waiting for my friend. " I plopped myself onto the couch that was in there.

I pulled my phone out, scrolling on it. "Where are you guys going?" Ash spoke, looking at my somewhat nice clothes. I assumed he had tried to make conversation. "It's some party, not a big one." I put my phone on my lap, looking at Ash. He nodded.

Hey, I'm at Fezco's shop. That's where you are. Right?

Yeah, just walk in. I'll be out in a second.



I stood up "uh I'll see you later?" I asked ash "sure" he continued to count more money. I walked out of the cooler. "See you later, fez," I waved "bye,kid be safe," I nodded before linking arms with Avery and walked out.

"Girl, I thought we agreed to wear actual nice clothes to this," Avery pointed to her black dress, I let out an airy laugh, almost a scoff while lifting my shirt to show a matching red dress "okay good" she laughed.

We made it to the party. I quickly went to the bathroom to take off the overlayer of clothes and shoved them into a backpack that Avery brought. I walked into the kitchen to meet Avery. She was taking a shot after shot.

"Callie here, take drink," Avery said, poring me a shot. After about 20 minutes, we both were drunk. I ended up without a cup, and just with the whole bottle of vodka, I lost Avery like 10 minutes ago.

I stumbled over my feet, almost falling a couple of times while I occasionally took large drinks of the vodka straight out of the bottle - okay, I lied I did fall over my feet, making my nose somewhat bleed-


I found myself walking down the street in the dark, and the vodka bottle still in my hand;my phone had died, and I had dried up blood on my face. I was around midnight, and I had no idea where I was going, so I stopped walking and sat on the crub drinking from the bottle still.

I heard footsteps approach me, and then I heard a sigh "get up," the voice spoke my vision states to get blurry. "What?" I looked up to the voice, not really able to see due to the blur of the vision."Get up, " the voice repeated.

I slowly stood up and immediately got thrown over a shoulder. "What the-" I started, "just shut up," the voice continued. I realize who's voice it was. It was Ashtray's. He started to walk. I didn't know where, but I didn't care about it. It started to get cold out, and I didn't want to be outside anymore.

I didn't care where Ash was taking me or why he was out so late, but I did care when he took the bottle of vodka out of my hand. "Hey!" I exclaimed as Ash took the bottle."Can you be any louder?" he spoke as the frustration in his voice grew.

"Can you at least put me down?" I tried to wiggling myself out of his grip, but it became tighter "Nope we're almost there," he stated, I felt his hand move, and then I heard a door open.

I felt my eyes get heavier, but then I got placed onto the couch by the time my eyes shut. without thinking, I grabbed Ashtray's hand before he walked away. "What?" He whispered, knowing fez was asleep."Don't go," I don't really know if I said that because I was drunk or if I really didn't want him to leave.

I heard him sigh he didn't say anything. Instead,he pulled me off the couch, again picking me up after about 2 minutes. I got placed on a bed, and then I felt another body next to me. I scooted closer to ash and rested my head on his chest, and finally stopped fighting the urge not to sleep and fell asleep.


The next morning, I woke up to a tight embrace around my waist, I looked up to see a sleeping ashtray, and I smiled while putting my arm around his torso, not really able to fall asleep due to the horrible headache that I have.

I did end up falling asleep but woke up about an hour later still with a horrible headache, but ash wasn't next to me anymore, I stood up, noticing I wasn't in my dress anymore

God, did he change me? That's embarrassing

I shook my thoughts out of my head and walked into the living room where fez was smoking a blunt. "Hey kid, I didn't know you was here," he looked over at me "yeah um I actually don't remember walking here,"

"That's because you didn't walk here," Ash spoke from the kitchen, eating some cereal. "I carried you here." He placed the bowl on the coffee table "oh is that why I woke up an hour ago to your arms wrapped around me?" I teased as he rolled his eyes.

"Shut the fuck up" a light tint of pink showed up on his cheeks "why because it's true" I crossed my arms over my chest.

A/n:That's chapter 9. I hope you enjoyed it. I think I might. Wright the rest of the story in 3rd person

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