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Central City – XXV Century

Vega Thawne POV

"Wake up! Vega, wake up" The voice of his mother says with gentleness.

Vega Thawne opens his eyes, tired of studying all night, and sees his mother smiling at him.

"Rough night?" She asks while watching her son getting up. "Take a bath, I'm making breakfast".

Vega is too tired to answer and does just that, he brushes his teeth, takes a bath, and then dresses up so he can finally eat something.

Entering the kitchen, Vega sees his mother serving his plate some eggs and bacon, he goes to the fridge to grab the orange juice and then sits to eat his breakfast.

His mother sits in front of him and watches him eat with a smile, life has been good for the two, they could always count on each other and Vega didn't need to ask for more.

"So, how do you think your test will go?" His mother asks.

"A perfect score, like I always do". Vega answers with a smile.

"Okay genius, hold up that ego a little".

"Can't help it, I'm too smart for that school". Vega says as he finishes his breakfast.

"Any plans for today?" His mother grabs his empty plate and goes to the sink to wash it.

"I was planning on visiting the Flash museum". Vega says with a little disdain and his mother appeared to share the sentiment.

"Don't come home late". That is all his mother says as Vega leaves the apartment for school.

Flash Museum - Central City – XXV Century

Vega Thawne didn't like this place, he didn't hate the Flash as his father did, but the fact that this place is what made his old man abandon his pregnant girlfriend to play costume metahuman for a stupid obsession towards a man who has been long dead is a good reason for Vega's dislike.

"But is not enough". Vega says, tightening his grip on the iron handrail that keeps visitors away from the expositions. "The son of a bitch had to replicate the experiment and go back in time to kill him".

Vega's words were full of poison as he took something out of the pocket of his shirt, a glass vial with a strange red liquid inside. This is the chemical his father invented to become the Reverse Flash. Vega created it himself after going to his father's former apartment to take his things to his house and ended up finding his notes.

Vega never understood why he did it, maybe so he could understand his father more, or maybe he just wanted to prove to his father and himself that there was no need to go through that, Vega never decided which excuse was the best to use.

Vega decides to put the vial back in his pocket, he couldn't let a moment of anger make him throw the vial away and waste hours of hard work. He decides to go home and do his homework, one good thing his father had left behind was his intellect which Vega has inherited from him, making him the best student in class and school which resulted in a scholarship, meaning one less expense for his mother.

Thinking about his mother used to be painful, she had her whole life ahead of her, but one mistake of meeting the wrong man had cost her everything, she never blamed Vega but after he grow up he blame himself, his mother was in college when she met Eobard, the rest goes exactly how people imagine it goes, she gets pregnant, leaves college and would've spent the rest of her life in a low-grade job she is too good for had it not been for her son.

They would've been on the street probably had Vega not used his father's notes that he left behind, besides the chemicals that made him the Reverse Flash, Vega found out about a generator that used the negative speed force to produce energy without the need for a speedster, the generator basically absorbs the negative energy from a higher plane where the speed force resides and transforms it in electric energy. With the blueprints in hand, Vega patented the blueprints of the generator, or rather, his mother did, then he studied them so he could construct one himself.

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