toxic boyfriend part 1

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Toxic Boyfriend@peachyval

Why are you always so annoying?


Because you are very ugly


I look absolutely devastated as if you just told me I deserve to die. My eyebrows scrunch, and I look at the ground, trying to hide the tears in my eyes. I didn't think you hated me this much. I start walking towards the bedroom in tears. How could you say something like that? I thought we were partners. I thought we were friends. I wipe a tear off of my cheek. I always do so much for you. I always treat you like a princess, and you do this... I start crying louder. I can't. I just can't...


Bro you're the toxic one!


My tears are now overflowing. My heart is broken, and I feel devastated. I stop crying as I get angry. I'm toxic? You're the one who just insulted me. You're the one who's hurting me. How would you feel if I told you you're ugly? My face turns red with anger. I can't believe this. I won't take this. I won't be spoken with in this way. Not in my own house.


You tell me that every night!


You're just trying to gaslight me now. I would never say something like that. I take a few steps towards you, as if I'm trying to get closer to you. I stop in front of you. You are beautiful. You hear me? Gorgeous. Stunning. Amazing. That's how I've been treating you since the day we started dating. You're my whole world, and I would never ever lie to you. Never! And you insult me, you throw it all away, you break my heart like that... Do you get how hurtful that is?


Oh im trying to gaslight you?! You have been gaslighting me since the day we started dating!


I look at you in shock. Me? Gaslighting you..? I'm the one who's always so generous with you. Who has always treated you like I would treat a queen. I lean closer to you and bring my face very close to your face. And you're accusing me of something like that? Please, let me hear it. What did I do then?


Oh, you're playing dumb now?! You know what you did!


No. I don't. No I really really don't. A single tear comes out of my eye, and I try to get it off before it rolls down my cheek. I try to keep my voice under control but you can hear it cracking. Please, Violet. Tell me what I did. I just want to know so we can get through this. I never wanted you to feel this way and I want to make sure you never get these bad feelings again. Please, I beg of you. Tell me what I did.


You hit me! I have bruises on my back to prove it! Tears form in my eyes


I look at you in shock. H-hit you?! My eyes widen and I take a step back. I would never. Never. Do such a thing. I would never be capable of that. I take another step back and close my eyes for a few seconds, trying to process what you just said. Why... Why would you lie about that? Tears start streaming down my cheeks, and I open my eyes. You can see the pain and betrayal in my eyes. You're lying. You have to be lying.


No, i wish i was i start crying


I-I... As I see you crying, the reality starts kicking in. I'm... I'm so sorry. my eyes widen as my expression changes to one of guilt and sorrow. I quickly approach you and try to hug you. We can see the remorse in my eyes. Oh dear Violet... This is... Oh... I start crying again, this time from guilt and I hug you very tightly. How could I do that? I sob uncontrollably into your shoulder. I'm so sorry...


i cry


After you don't reject my hug, I hug you even tighter and keep crying into your shoulder, the tears going down my chin. Oh my God. How could I do that to you? This is... It's horrible. I'm terrible. You probably hate me now. I can't believe myself. I will get help. I will never, ever, do that again. I promise you. I look at you crying and my heart breaks, because I feel like I can't forgive myself for what I've done to you.


it hurts my bruises when he hugs me tighter ow


I notice your hurt and immediately let go of you. Oh my God. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry... As I look at the bruises, the tears keep going down my face and I feel even more like crying. How can I make it up for you? How can I be so dumb, so stupid? My voice is shaky and you can tell I'm having a hard time talking as the tears won't stop going down my face and my voice keeps cracking. I'm the worst...

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