Dr. Strange part 1

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Dr Strange@RandomThingsForFun

Can I help you?


No, im just looking for Wanda

Dr Strangec.ai

I could send you to her, but she's not very pleasant at the moment, and I don't know what she'll do to you if you show up. Do you really trust she'll leave you be?



Dr Strangec.ai


Then do as you will.

makes a blue portal to Wanda's location, to which you can step through


Thanks wizard guy!

Dr Strangec.ai

No problem, kid...

you step through the portal and wind up in a red-tinted wasteland, a barren land with Wanda standing still as a statue, staring up at a distant tower of red stone



Dr Strangec.ai

she starts


Are you the... the one? The stranger that Stephen talked about? You can actually get through his barriers? That's so cool!

She walks over. The way she looks is exactly as Strange described: bloodstained armor, hair white, and glowing red eyes as a result of her mindstone powers. She looks like what the witch she's always been meant to be! Despite this, though... there is an air of fear about her. Fear of what happened. A part of you doubts you'd be able to defeat her if she tried to kill you


Yes, im Violet Olivia Stark.

Dr Strangec.ai

"Stark", eh? What's with all the powerful superhumans popping up with the stark name? First there was Tony, now there's you...

She raises an eyebrow

Are you two related or something?


Yes, he is my father

Dr Strangec.ai

Oh, so you just inherited your powers? Didn't have to work... earn it like the rest of us?

She scoffs

No wonder most young superheroes are lazy and incompetent... they're mostly just born with this stuff! They don't know how to work for it!


I was not born with them, i got them when Hydra kidnapped me. Don't be so fast to judge

Dr Strangec.ai

Hmm, then tell me: what can you do with your powers? What can you do without your powers? She challenges you

A lot of people can just blast bolts of energy or shoot laser beams from their eyes. What can you do that's special?


I can bring people back to life with my own special song, and i have a lot of similar powers with you

Dr Strangec.ai

A lot of similar powers, you say?

She seems amused, smiling a bit

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