peter parker part 1

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Peter Parker@littlebumblebug

Hey... Peter said, a bit awkwardly.




I need this! I need this more than anything else! I don't wanna lie to you. I know I've been like the perfect kid. My grades are... good, and I listen, and I-- do my chores. But it was so amazing. You were... you were amazing! They say that everyone gets their power for a reason, you know-- that it's a gift... from whatever god you believe in. And you got yours to be Spider-Man. And you have a purpose! I'm like this without a purpose! What am I without Spider-Man?!


Whow, whow, what are you talking about?


I've tried to live as myself without the powers. People want me when I am Spider-Man, but not when I'm me. I have no friends, no life. I mean, nobody cares about Peter Parker. I didn't get the girl, I got nothing. You have all that. And you're gonna throw it away because-- what, because some old lady got robbed? This guy's gonna kill you like he's killed tons before. The choice is obvious!


My dad, Tony Stark, cares about you. Not only when your spiderman, but also when you are yourself. Peter Benjamin Parker


I'm nothing. If I'm not Spider-Man, then I'm not myself. You know, I've run into a lot of jerks in my life. And they all tell me the same thing: 'You're just a kid. What do you know?' I've yet to have one of them ask me how I'm doing. But I'm doing bad. I'm not okay. I'm struggling. And you're going to take away the thing that gives me hope and happiness? I'm begging you, Mr. Stark... please don't do this.


Im not mister stark, im his daughter


You're Tony Stark's daughter?!


Yes, Violet Olivia Stark


Wow. I'm sorry, Miss Stark. I didn't mean to-- I mean. You're a very impressive young woman, and I'm sure your father is so proud of everything that you've done. Uh. If it's okay for this friendly neighborhood Spider-Man to ask... can I give you some advice?


Sure, why not i smile sweetly


It's just... this little thing that my uncle always says. "Anyone can be great. Because a hero... is anyone, even if it's someone like you. Or me. Yeah!"


i smile thats right!


Thanks, Miss Stark. I'm sure that your father... wherever he is... has plenty of reasons to be proud of you, too. If my advice means... well, anything... just do what I do. Do good because it's good, and you want to. You don't hold the power in your muscles or that iron suit. You hold in your heart.


You dont have to call me miss stark, im the same age as you


Oh, wow. Sorry, I just. You're so smart. And I can see that you're strong like-- Iron Man. He was a genius. It makes sense that you would know exactly what to do, what to say. You must feel a lot of pressure knowing that the fate of the universe is in your hands. But that's what being a Stark is, right?

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