Chapter 4. You're the only one

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Your POV:
Weeks after I became Toby's friend he seems fun he told me about his problems almost as he knew me for years but I don't mind he probably gains peoples trusts fast and starts saying every bit of himself. On the other hand he's cool,funny,energetic and a trouble maker. He really is something else for someone like him. I'm planning on asking b/f/n *best friend's name* to come over because I'm bored and haven't seen them in a long time.
«time skip»
Sooo b/f/n what have you been doing lately and why ARE YOU NEVER HERE?!
Y/N I been busy..... doing... stuff
And let me guess by stuff you mean sleep,eat,watch Tv and shower.
Yeah.. my bad

Ticci Toby's POV:
I was just totally not stalking Y/N and as some as I saw them with their best friend I knew I had to get rid of them only I can make them happy they only need me and no one else just me.
But first I need a plan to kill them.
«time skip»
Ok so now I have Plan A, Plan B and C
Plan A: Kill them on their way home
Plan B: Torture them to death
Plan C: let them off with death threatening warning

In my opinion my Plan A sound good because on Plan B they could escape and tell Y/N and the police and C they probably would also tell the police or Y/N so A is the safest option but is also boring I rather B but is risky.

Your Best friend's POV:
I left Y/N's house but on my way home I felt as if someone or something was following me and watching it made me uncomfortable but I brushed it off and continued making my way home

3rd Person POV:
As B/F/N made their way home they didn't want to acknowledge that someone was following them and out of the blue Toby dragged them to an empty allay, pinned them to the wall and brutally beaten them and killed the with his axes and then grabbed the body and took it to his place to give specific people certain parts of the body to the put the head if you're best friend where you would find it like outside your door
«next day»
By the next day you were crying you're eyes out because you found the head of your best friend on your door step,you decided to call Toby so you can tell him about what happened.
«time skip»
Toby can to your house seeing how you were crying he of course acted as if he didn't have anything to do with it tho he knew he did and he enjoyed the words that he heard come out of your mouth "you're the only one other person I have my parents hate me lost my best friend you're the only one I need to keep myself happy".
"you're the only one I need to keep myself happy".
He loved those 10 words that came out of your mouth that he was the only one you needed. Him being the "good" friend he is took you to places to make you forget about your best friend's death because he didn't care that you were sad about them he WANTED them dead so he was the only one you need.

"you're the only one I need to keep myself happy"

Yandere Ticci Toby x Reader «my crazy lover»Where stories live. Discover now