Incorrect quotes

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Sun: *Answers phone.* Hello?
Serpent : It's Serpent .
Sun: What did they do this time?
Serpent : No, it's me, Sun. It's actually me.
Sun: What did you do this time?

Mushroom: I think I just figured something out. I got to go.
Whatchmacallit : Aren't you forgetting something?
Mushroom: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Whatchmacallit 's forehead before running out.*
Whatchmacallit : No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?


Crocodile: We have a problem.
Mushroom: No, YOU have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps making them.

Nick: If I'm extra sarcastic with you it probably means I'm flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can't handle your crap... have fun figuring out which one.

Ken: Knock, knock.
Jenny : Who's there?
Ken: Boo!
Jenny : Boo who?
Ken: Why are you crying?
Jenny : I'm not crying.
Ken: Hello notcrying, I'm Ken.

Ken: *falls down the stairs*
Robin: Are you okay?
Jenny : Stop falling down the stairs!
Nicole: How'd the ground taste?

*Everyone is playing a board game together*
Peacock : I will put 'A' down to make 'A'.
Bee: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'.
Raven: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'.
Monster: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATAGRAPHIC'.
Raven: *flips the board*

Raven: Bee, we're hungry!
Monster: Bee! What's for dinner?
Peacock : We're hungry, Bee!
Bee, frying a bottle of ketchup over the stove: *screams*

Fox, Night Angel & Flamingo: *screaming*
Rottweiler : *runs into the room* What's wrong, Flamingo?!
Fox: Wait, why are you asking Flamingo that when Night Angel and I are also here?
Rottweiler : Because Flamingo wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.

Fox: Ducks are better than rabbits.
Flamingo: What? Rabbits are adorable. Have you ever been in a fight with a duck? Ducks are jerks.
Night Angel: Duck is delicious! Rabbit is all gamey.
Flamingo: We're not talking about flavour, Night Angel!
Night Angel: Flavour counts!
Flamingo: Who carries around a duck's foot for good luck? Anyone?
Rottweiler : You wrap yourself in a comforter stuffed with rabbit hair. I'll wrap myself in a comforter stuffed with duck feathers! Who's cozier?
Flamingo: Okay, but-
Rottweiler : NO, NO, NO, NO. WHO'S COZIER?
Night Angel: Then why don't we take a rabbit, a duck, stick 'em in a cardboard box and let them fight it out!
Fox: I- Jesus-

Prince: Good night.
Jellyfish : Sleep tight.
Flamingo: Don't let the bedbugs crawl up to your ear and whisper threatening things that make you question yourself.
Kitty: Great, now Rottweiler 's crying.
*Sometime before the show stated*
Kitty: Hey, can we stay in your dorm tonight?
Milkshake : Why?
Kitty: Lion fiddled with an ouija board and cursed ours.
Rabbit : White Tiger doesn't know how to banish spirits, so he just throws salt at them and yell "DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A HOTEL TO YOU?!"
Quotes by Perchance.Org

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