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Frequently Asked Questions

What Do You Do When You Missed Out On a Promotion?

It is perfectly fine to honor your feelings and quickly get back to action. Ask for feedback. Then, go straight to addressing them. The next time you apply, highlight how you address the previous feedback. I've missed out on two and applied this to get to my third successful round.

How To Work With A Colleague You Don't Like?

Set up a session with your colleague and be objective with your approach. I use this approach - " I need your help. I noticed that " details of the behavior". Your thoughts? Don't mention that you dislike them upfront. Don't be controlled by your EGO. Stick with the facts and the help that you are after. If your efforts to work harmoniously did not work, ask for a skip level session with your Manager.

How To Manage A Boss Who Practices Favoritism?

Set up a session with your Boss and be objective with your approach. I use this approach - " I need your help. I noticed that " details of the behavior". Your thoughts? Don't mention favoritism upfront. Don't be controlled by your EGO. Stick with the facts and the help that you are after.

How To Negotiate With A Boss Who Overloads Work?

Set up a session with your Boss and be objective with your approach. I use this approach - " I need your help. I have 7.5 hours daily to complete "insert the task details" and like you I value work life integration and I love helping you in achieving our goals. Kindly clarify my new task list so I can meet your deadlines and not go on unpaid/paid overtime. Thank you!

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