What is witchcraft?

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Onto the main question: what is witchcraft? what makes someone a witch?

Everybody will have slightly different definitions, because witchcraft is a highly personal path that means different things to different people.

A basic explanation would be that witchcraft involves shaping your intentions and channeling those energies through the means of magic. There are many more complex explanations, but basically witchcraft is working with the natural energies around you to manifest your intentions. (Of course a whole craft with many different branches cannot be entirely summed up into two sentences. But I think this fits the purpose of a basic definition)

A witch is somebody who practices witchcraft and chooses to identify as such. You can be of any gender, any race, any religion (so far as I know - witchcraft may not align with some religions, but I wouldn't be able to give specific names), any sexual orientation etc.

Some specific cultures may have different names for witches, such as those following Brujeria might call themselves bruja/brujo, or those following Stregheria might call themselves strega.

Witchcraft is highly in tune with the natural world - that is where we draw most of our energy from after all. The natural world is all around us, even in the most built up of urban areas.

Most witches have a deep respect for the natural world, working with it in harmony in their craft, leaving offerings, taking care of the nature around them. This does not mean you have to be an environmentalist, vegan, or vegetarian - but it is important to care for the natural world (This applies even if you are not a witch, to be honest)

Witchcraft is compatible with science - this is a misconception that witches do not believe in science. Magic cannot break the laws of physics.

You do not have to follow a certain religion. You do not have to follow any religion. You do not have to work with any other entities. You do not have to have tons of expensive tools.

Witchcraft is unique to you.
Make it yours.

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