What is magic?

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Note - some witches spell magic with a k on the end, like magick. I don't because it gets difficult to type and I struggle to process it as a word since it isn't familiar. And I just prefer magic! So if you are wondering why I have not spelt it magick, that is why. It's the same word either way.

Magic is.... difficult to define, much like witchcraft is.

Magic is everywhere. All around us - in the plants and the ground and the skies and the trees and the animals and even inside us.

Witchcraft allows you to use that magic, to redirect its energies. Magic is like a tool for the witch to direct as they wish, a tool to use to enact their intentions, to make sense of the world around them and to manifest their wishes.

Some like to visualise magic as a certain colour light or a ball of energy or something similar. Others see it as more of an abstract concept.

Find a way of viewing magic that makes sense to you. Do you see it as a real physical thing? Do you see it as more of an abstract belief? Do you view it in some sort of scientific way? Perhaps as some sort of psychological explanation for magic?

Magic is what you make it. The energies all around us - they can be shaped by you. That is your power as a witch.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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