Han seo X Sana

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Sana had always dreamed of visiting Korea. She was fascinated by its culture, history, and entertainment. She had saved up enough money to travel there for a month and explore the country. She was excited and nervous as she boarded the plane from Pakistan to Seoul.

She arrived at the Incheon airport and took a taxi to her hotel. She checked in and unpacked her luggage. She looked at the map of Seoul and decided to visit the Gyeongbokgung Palace first. She had heard that it was a beautiful and historic place that showcased the Korean royal heritage.

She took the subway to the palace and bought a ticket. She entered the complex and admired the architecture and the gardens. She took out her phone and snapped some photos. She smiled and felt happy.

She walked around the palace and saw a group of people gathered near a gate. She was curious and approached them. She saw that they were watching a filming crew. There were cameras, lights, and microphones set up. She wondered what they were filming.

She looked closer and saw a familiar face. It was Han Seo, the actor who played Jang Han-seo in Vincenzo, one of her favorite Korean dramas. She gasped and felt her heart skip a beat. She was a huge fan of his. She loved his character, his acting, and his handsome looks.

She couldn't believe that she was seeing him in person. He was even more handsome than on screen. He was wearing a traditional hanbok and had his hair tied back. He looked like a prince.

She watched him as he acted out a scene with another actress. He was playing a historical figure who was in love with a court lady. He looked at her with passion and tenderness. He spoke in a low voice that made Sana melt.

She felt a pang of jealousy as she watched him kiss the actress softly on the lips. She wished she was in her place. She wished he would look at her like that, kiss her like that, love her like that.

She sighed and shook her head. She knew it was impossible. He was a famous actor and she was just a fan. He didn't even know she existed. He would never notice her.

She decided to leave before she got too sad. She turned around and walked away from the crowd. She didn't see Han Seo finish his scene and look around for something.

He had seen her when he was acting. He had seen her face among the spectators. He had seen her eyes, her smile, her hair. He had felt something stir in his chest.

He didn't know who she was or why she was there, but he wanted to find out. He wanted to talk to her, to get to know her, to make her his.

He asked his manager for a break and ran after her. He caught up with her near the exit of the palace.

"Excuse me," he said in Korean.

Sana stopped and turned around. She saw him standing in front of her. She felt her breath catch in her throat.

"Hi," he said in English.

He smiled at her with his dimples.

"Hi," she said back.

She smiled nervously.

"I'm Han Seo," he said.

"I know," she said.

She blushed.

"I'm Sana," she said.

He nodded.

"Sana," he repeated.

He liked how it sounded on his tongue.

"Where are you from?" he asked.

"Pakistan," she said.

He raised his eyebrows.

"Pakistan? Wow, that's far away," he said.

He was impressed.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I'm just visiting Korea for a month," she said.

He nodded again.

"I see," he said.

He paused for a moment and then said,

"Can I ask you something?"

She nodded hesitantly.

"Sure," she said.

He looked into her eyes and said,

"Can I take you out for dinner?"

Jang Han Seo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now