chapter 2

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Sana was stunned by his question. She couldn't believe that he was asking her out. She felt a surge of joy and disbelief.

She wanted to say yes, but she hesitated. She wondered if he was serious or if he was just playing with her. She wondered if he had a girlfriend or a wife. She wondered if she was dreaming.

She looked at him and saw that he was waiting for her answer. He looked sincere and hopeful. He looked like he really liked her.

She decided to take a chance and follow her heart.

She smiled and said,

"Yes, I would love to go out with you."

He grinned and took her hand.

"Great," he said.

He led her to his car and drove her to a fancy restaurant. He treated her like a princess. He complimented her on her beauty, her intelligence, and her personality. He made her laugh with his jokes and stories. He listened to her with interest and curiosity. He shared his dreams and fears with her. He kissed her softly on the cheek and held her close.

She felt like she was in heaven. She felt like she had found her soulmate. She felt like she had found her happiness.

They spent the whole evening together and then he drove her back to her hotel. He walked her to the door and hugged her.

"I had a wonderful time with you, Sana," he said.

"Me too, Han Seo," she said.

He looked into her eyes and said,

"Can I see you again tomorrow?"

She nodded eagerly.

"Yes, please," she said.

He smiled and kissed her gently on the lips.

"Good night, Sana," he said.

"Good night, Han Seo," she said.

He waved at her and left. She watched him go and then entered her room. She lay down on the bed and closed her eyes. She replayed the night in her mind and felt a warm glow in her chest.

She fell asleep with a smile on her face.

The next day, he called her and invited her to join him on the set of his drama. He introduced her to his co-stars and crew members. He showed her around the studio and explained how things worked. He let her watch him act and cheered him on. He took breaks to spend time with her and kiss her.
She felt like she was living a dream. She felt like she was part of his world. She felt like she was part of his life.

They continued to see each other every day for the rest of the month. They went to different places and did different things. They went to the Namsan Tower and locked their love padlock on the fence. They went to the Lotte World and rode the roller coaster together. They went to the Han River and watched the sunset together. They went to his apartment and made love together.

They fell deeper in love with each other every day. They told each other everything about themselves. They told each other their hopes and wishes for the future. They told each other their feelings for each other.

They told each other "I love you".

On the last day of Sana's trip, they went to the airport together. They hugged each other tightly and cried.

"I don't want you to go, Sana," he said.

"I don't want to leave you, Han Seo," she said.

He wiped away her tears and said,

"Then don't go."

He took out a small box from his pocket and opened it. Inside was a ring with a diamond on it.
He looked at her with love and said,

"Marry me, Sana."

She gasped and looked at him with shock and awe.

He smiled and said,

"Marry me, Sana, and stay with me forever."

She looked at the ring and then at him. She saw his sincerity and devotion. She saw his love and happiness.

She smiled through her tears and said,

"Yes, Han Seo, I will marry you."

He slipped the ring on her finger and kissed it.

He lifted her up in his arms and spun her around.

He shouted,

"She said yes! She said yes!"

Everyone in the airport clapped and cheered for them.

They kissed passionately and hugged each other again.

They looked at each other with joy and gratitude.

They looked at each other with love.

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