Chapter three

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'Op if you hear this, i'm going into hyper jump not because i want to it's because i don't want your alt to be killed and don't worry sundown is safely in his room as i speak, see you soon old friend' i was pinned to a pillar with my own sword in my chassis, now i was trying to get my sword out faster while Lockdown try to shoot cade then the area suddenly became cold, cold in enough to mess with our sensors. The shooting stopped when the ship showed itself blocking out the sun in the progress ''Ah the queen of darkness has arrived" Lockdown said while looking up towards the ship.

I was about to shoot at lockdown again when the area became dark "ah the queen of darkness has arrived" lockdown said while he look towards something behind me then a cold feeling came "I told you not to call me that Mr got the catch them all" a female voice responded from where the cold came from, turning around slowly i was met with another transformer with black and white armour and a hat that looked like a bamboo hat with some type of fabric coming from the back (just Imagine scaramouche hat and you'll be able to see it) with cold grey eyes looking at Lockdown "your highness, what can i help you with in this fine evening?" Lockdown looked back "Optimus, hand him over" the tension in the air was so high, it feels like you can cut something without even using a knife. "Cade, you go somewhere else, away from here" she added before taking a step forward when lockdown came charging at her.

I watched helplessly as Lockdown charged at Blacksun and then bumblebee joined the fight "I gave you an order!!" I yelled then a line came out of nowhere and pulled my sword out of my chassis. Groping it mid-air i cutted lockdown into two pieces, I looked at the line that came and pulled my sword only to find it connected to Black's arm guard. The remaining enemy in the area started to close in, looking at back at blacksun but only to find her gone, Cade ran over to me "hurry" and tessa and shane join cade, i yelled "i'm setting off lockdowns bombs"  knowing bumblebee had already drove off "hang on" i said and flew off with the humans in my arms.

Watching those cons turn into more metal from the safety of my ship "Blacksun did you see sire? Is he ok?" I heard sundown asked as he ran over to me "yes i saw him and yes he's ok just a bit hurt but he should meet up with us later" I told him, he jumped up and down with excitement. I looked at the little mech reaction, going to the bridge with sundown following like how a duckling would follow its mother. Sitting down as sundown climbed onto my lap while I made the ship invisible, I flew the ship where the other autobots would be at and saw prime give a speech about going to find our maker. "Sundown, I need you to stay here and don't touch anything, I have to knock some sense into your sire real quick" I said moving him off my lap and into the seat, before turning and walking to the deck. Jumping out of the ship a bit far from where prime was at and transformed into my alt mode that was an nissan skyline gtr r34 (a beautiful car isn't it) and drove to op.

I heard a sound of an engine closing in, turning to find a skyliner (or nickname 'godzilla'), the humans opened the gates for the car to come though and as it did the area became cold suddenly. The humans had their weapons aimed at the skyliner when it transformed into- "mother!" I yelled running to the bulky but srim build femme trying to hug the daylights out for her "oh god bee you've grown so much" she said patting the side of my helm "aww you're still cute" she added before returning the hug and looking over her shoulder at optimus "and no going into space with no medical treatment, you're going back to my ship so i can fix you up and the same with the others" Blacksun said. (bee see blacksun as his second caretaker cuz he looks up to her a lot she took care of him when his caretaker can't)

"Sorry to break ya' happy moment but who are you?" I asked while I grabbed my gun that was under my cout, the femme that was hugging bee let go but that child like mech climbed onto her back instead somehow not disappearing her hat "ah where are my manners? I'm Blacksun, crossheirs'' she said, being on high alert on the inside but keeping cool on the outside "how do ya' know my name lass" I asked 'crossheir do not mess with her' drift said over the coms 'fine' i reply "you have a nice team prime" she said looking back at da boss before turning and walking away, she made a small sign to follow her "follow her, i'll join you after i talk to cade" prime said, sighing we followed her to another part of town where a ship was hovering. Looking up at it 'how are we going to get up there?' i asked myself "hey femme how are w-" i looked to where she once stood to find it empty "what the fuck" i mumbled before some stairs come out of thin air "now thats just weird" i heard hound said when i saw drift walking up like he has done this before many times, following after him.

I watched as crosshair and drift had their way up, putting one ped on the stairs, it sank a bit under my weight but was able to hold me up then i started to walk up towards and into the docking area where we were greeted by a youngling "oh black wasn't joking when we said we were gonna have bots over" taken aback a bit "do you know where miss black is at?" i asked lowering myself to the youngling height, he nodded "yea she's in the lab but said to bring you guys to the med bay first he said as he lead the way towards the med bay "go inside first i'll go get blacksun" the youngling said before running to where i guess the lab was. Opening the door to see bee chillin' there with a cube "when the hell you get here and where you get a cube from?" crossheir yelled.

"Crossheir, can you not yell please?" I asked him as I walked in with five more cubes "sensei let me help you with that" drift said, taking two cubes from my servos while i handed the one to hound "you know drift Blacksun?" hound asked "indeed I took him under my wing and trained him and raised him alongside my youngling too" I told hound while drinking my high cube. "What do you mean 'raised him'? All I know is that he was a con turn bot" hound said. I looked over to drift, we had eye contact and he nodded. Humming and putting down her cube "stand where the Scanner is, i have to check for any injury that can get infected, bee's already checked and it's just you guys left" she told "hound you first, i can smell your enregon leaking from your hip" I said pointing at a spot in the middle of the room "here?" he asked standing where the Scanner at "yup now stay still" I told him, turning on the scanner that was on the ceiling and fixing pad under him "oh that felt weird" hound mumbled.

I was the last to be checked for any injury, optimus had come before my checkup. I allowed him to go first since he was on a mission "Sorry to ask sensei but why did you choose a side?" I asked, It has already been more than 8 million stellar cycles since the war started and she never chose a side "me and you both know, drift, that we don't go over that line and i told you before to call me caretaker, it's been 10 millions stellar cycles while i found you a a youngling " she said with those grey optics that held both wrath and comfort but sadness deep inside. We had already left the mad bay and were now walking to the kitchen where hound, bee and crosshairs were most likely at.

"Crosshairs remains me for my youngling, do you still remember him? Oh how you two would play together while me and Trailfire watched on the sidelines" I said as I opened the kitchen door to see both hound and bee on the floor with enregon while crosshair was nowhere to be found "what happened and where is crosshair?" i asked "we were trying to see how much enregon you have cuz bee over here you're loaded and crosshair went somewhere talking about this ship being familiar to him in someway" hound said "I'll be right back and clean up the mess please" i said turning around off to find crosshair before he finds that old room.

I was walking around blacksun ship because this place somewhat feels familiar and I can't find out why, so I thought walking around the ship would help but the feeling only got stronger, then I came across an old looking door. Carefully opening the door i was met with a youngling room, half of the room was painted a dark green and the other dark blue "and here i thought that it would take you longer to find out" i almost jumped out of my armour looking to my side, i found blacksun standing next to me looking into the room in front of us "this was my younglings room" she said, stepped inside and making her way to a deck near the window and picked up a photograph "come and look at this. You crossheirs look so much like my lost youngling" she said as I walked closer to her to see the photograph. The photograph had two mech it in, the youngling was green and black "wait isn't that Trailfire? Like Trailfire as in king of darkness?" He asked, shocked "yes indeed where do u think he got the tile king from" I said back

"Wait, aren't those the goggles he gave me?" I asked to take the photo from sun's hand to get a closer look before I felt pain at the side of my helm, holding my side. I looked over at blacksun to see only worry, full of worry "deep breaths dear, follow me "in" i breath in "out" i breathed out "and repeat until the pain is gone" i did what she said and the pain slowly went away but then i saw memories fly, i saw myself playing with a younger version of drift and seeing Blacksun and Trailfire watching from afar then everything went black.

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Lost But Found (Discontinued unlit done rewriting)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin