Authors Note

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When I was in middle school I wrote a lot. I had a note book where i kept all of my stories. One day, during seminar, I had to go see a teacher for math help. I took my agenda and left the class for tenish minuets. When I came back I went to write in my notebook. That's when I found that some of my guy friends stole my book read some stories and marked all over them. They then proceeded to mock me relentlessly about them and make fun of me for them. What a bunch of douches right? Anyway, that was four or five years ago. Now I'm a senior in high-school. I am in online journalism but still haven't written fiction like i did back then for myself since those little tools did that. The other night I was watching Revelations. The episode where the gang finally finds out that Angel is alive and Buffy has been hiding him and I thought 'Wouldn't it be cool if they were both evil?' so I came up with this story. Yes, it will probably be long and sucky but screw it. I have had fun writing this and have had help of some of my friends. So: Lora thanks for helping me edit, Krissy thanks for being my cheerleader (even though colorgaurd is better), Maddy thanks for being passive aggressive with me but actually reading, and Harry you are in Basic and haven't helped me at all, screw you you Twatter. Sorry if this is long, so sue me. Thanks for reading you beautiful nerd who has a small social life, with out you this wouldn't be a thing.

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