Ch.1 The Start of

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"Angel Investigations; We help the helpless! Cordelia speaking, where are you and what's trying to kill you?" Cordy said trying to sound her normal chipper self. Can we even call it that without Angel here? she thought.

"Hey, Cordy," Fred said over the phone. She and Gunn had gone out for food.

"Oh. Hey, Fred whats up?" Cordy said letting the fake chipperness drain away to be filled again with emptiness. Filled with emptiness... God. I remember when my life was still normal. "Did you forget something you need to get?"

"What? Oh no. I just wanted to make sure we had enough fresh blood. You know incase...well...he would be hungry if he..."

"Yeah. I know... I checked this morning we have enough. Next week or so, though..." Cordy let herself trail off.

"So we're good?" Fred asked after a few seconds. She understood how much she must be hurting. Cordy had 'special' feelings for Angel and he left to mourn Buffy. She could only imagine how that felt.

"Yeah, we're good. See you soon." Cordy just slowly hung up the phone. When will he come back? She went to check the blood supply for the fifth time that day. He left because he loves Buffy, so much so he left the country for her, just to be sad and alone and away from everything, everyone, us, me... She started to cry for the second time that day. She figured she had about fifteen minutes till Fred and Gunn get back with food and Wes and Lorne would be back with supplies soon too and, then of course, Angel would... well... nevermind on that one.


"Oh, crap," Buffy muttered as she slowly woke up. Huh... we actually made it to the bed this time... She thought with a smile.

"What is it now luv?" Spike muttered back while he rolled over and pulled Buffy into a snuggle. She isn't fighting me holding her anymore. Bout damn time.

"I spent the night here again. The gang must be worried," she said going further into Spikes embrace.

"Well simple solution; Tell them you and I are shagging," Spike said hugging her tighter to try and stop her from punching him, he succeed in that but forgot about her legs and ended up with her knee in his stomach. He grunted, "Alright, I'll admit, I deserved that."

"Or not." she said quickly adding "Xander would kill you and I love you a bit too much for that to happen."

"Alright, luv, For now. Sooner or later that excuse will stop working." Spike said as they peeled from each other and started dressing.

"Oh, I know. That is why I'm currently spending all the time I'm not slaying or with you coming up with new ones!" she said with cheer as she bounced up to him and kissed him.


"Hi," Angel said. He just got back from Sri Lanka, he had been away long enough. He let the Hi hang in the air while he looked at them all. They each had a look of shock and happiness on their faces. They were all there: Lorne, Wes, Fred, Gunn, and Cordy... Cordy. 'God she must hate me...'

"Angel!" Fred yelled while she ran into him for a hug. Lorne soon joined her but he yelled "Angel Cakes!" instead of Angel. Wes and Gunn went in too but they went for the weird guy hugs instead of the good hugs that Lorne and Fred got.

Weird. Why do guys hug like that? Him and Lorne are guys and they hug normal. Why do manly guys do those weird hugs? Like, why do they need their arms in between them? Do they think their wangs or chests will touch and then BAM they are gay for each other? And why do they hit each others backs? Cordy started to lose herself in thought.

"Well umm we are going to go upstairs and be happy you are back," Fred said once everyone but Cordy got a hug and hello.

...And why do they not ask for directions? And plumbing! I'm sorry you are not a professional and I am going to call one no matter how much you 'got this'. And fourplay! I'm sorry but we really do not like it when you...

"Cordy..." Angel's voice cut through her train of thought or lack there off and brought her back.

"What oh yeah Angel." she said realizing what just happened and that he was back.

"We should talk." Angel stepped closer to her but she stood up from her chair.

"Huh, I mean yeah. Umm awhile ago like a few months ago Willow called and well I tried to reach you but..."

"Cordy, it's not important right now. We need to talk about..." he tried to step closer but she took a step back and interrupted him.

"Yes, it is. Buffy is alive. Will and the others brought her back."


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