Ch. 25 Its about to Hit the Fan

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"Plans, huh? I wonder what kind." Faith wondered aloud as Spike finished the story. 

"Well, some of us she will probably just kill. Others she will have Angelus sire." Anya answered to everyone's horror. "And a not so healthy sprinkling of torture."

"Upside: she is getting tired of Angelus." Dawn said trying to sound positive.

"Upside?" Xander asked. "Angelus is one of the worst, evilest things we have gone up against. And Buffy is getting tired of him. He isn't evil enough for Buffy. That is a major downside."

"No. Well, yes. But Dawn has a point. If she is getting tired of him, she will start going off on her own more, like by herself." Fred pointed out.

"Which means it will be easier to re-ensoul Angel." Wes concluded.

"Wes, go with Tara and Willow to get whatever supplies they'll need. Fred, Gunn and Dawn, we still need more food. Go get some. Remember the list I gave you." Faith started to give people their orders. "Cordelia, Xander and Anya, you guys are in charge of housekeeping. This place is getting gross. Clean this level, the bedrooms and the bathroom. When you're done, start making stakes and sharpening weapons. Lorne, you're with them, do whatever they say. Cordelia's in charge."

"Cool." Cordy smiled and started to give orders of her own. "Lorne, clean Willow and Tara's room. Anya, you get Dawn's. I got Buffy's. Xander, bathroom. Whenever someone finishes start cleaning down here. Lets do this." She clapped her hands and smiled but no one moved. "Now." She snapped while everyone scurried away. "Thank you Faith." She smiled pouncing up the stairs herself.

"I think ya might end up regretting that." Spike said from his spot in the doorway.

"I won't. I bet Xander hates me more now." Faith cracked her back. "Lets spar. You and I are gonna be the main muscle tonight."


"Alright. Will and Tara, you will stay outside in the garden with Gunn. Cordelia, Wes and I will get B out to you for the spell. Fred, Dawn and Lorne, you guys are a team. Fight together and watch each others back. Once B and Angel are beat down go out and grab the chains after that grab all the stuff that the Charmed Ones will need to re-ensoul Angel." Faith said laying down the jobs for the night.

"And what will ya have me do?" Spike asked.

"You get to take care of Angelus. We need him still for the spell. Knock him out, chain him up hell do both, just keep him still. Xander and Anya will help you. So will Fred's group."

"I think I got the best job." Spike smiled at the anticipation of getting to beat Angelus.

"So, my little Fruit Cake, whats are actual plan. Are we gonna storm the cassel or slip in and take them out one by one?" Lorne asked nervously.

"Actually, the girls and I came up with a little something at the store." Gunn grinned at Fred and Dawn as they started explaining their master plan.


"Where have you been?" Angelus asked very annoyed while Buffy came back into the mansion.

"Got bored. Went out. Wanna go have some fun now?" Buffy asked walking over to sit on the arm of the couch.

"Not right now. Where'd you go?" He asked dismissively.

"Out. I. Went. Out." Buffy replied with an icy edge in her voice. "Are we gonna go have some fun and start taking out some of the Scoobies or not?"

"Well isn't that just perfect." Spike called from the doorway to the garden. "Even when shes evil she likes me more."

"What?" Angelus asked standing up angrily.

"She was with me, you nit." Spike said sauntering in. "At my crypt."

"What do you want Spike?" Angelus asked as he stalked over to meet Spike. Buffy just got more comfortable on her perch to watch the oncoming fight.

"I decided I changed my mind." Spike smiled at Buffy. "I want to play."

"Really?" Buffy asked with shock. "What changed you mind?"

"Faith crowned herself Queen Bitch, ordering everyone around. She had this god awful plan on how ta kill the lot of ya. Everyone was in on it but me." Spike explained.

"They all wanted to kill us? Even Dawnie?" Buffy asked impressed.

"Yeah, so, if I can't beat ya I'll join ya." Spike concluded with a smile.

"Sorry, that offer no longer stands." Angelus growled. "Get out."

"Don't be an idiot, Angelus. Spike, you're in. Wanna kill Dawn or Xander?" Buffy smiled while Spike walked further towards her. Angelus went to stand behind Buffy and put his arm around her.

"Xander. The wanker pisses me off. Now, we gonna play or what?" Spike smiled stepping even closer.

"I want to play." Buffy got up and closed the distance between them.

"Then lets play." Faith grinned from the doorway.


It all went by in a flash. Spike threw Buffy out of his way and charged Angelus while Faith went after Buffy. Everyone else charged in waiting for their chance to get in the fight. Buffy finally managed to kick Faith's chest sending her flying back.

At that moment Cordelia and Wesley charged at Buffy. They were quickly sent flying back near the doorway to the garden by one of Buffy's back hands. They took a second and got up to go back into the fight.

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