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you arrived back home after a very long morning still feeling nothing but sick

god i need to go see a doctor.

you climbed out of the uber passing the guy more than what he needed

you-keep the change

ashton-we'll have the change!
ashton called out reaching you and the uber taking ur $5.67 change

ashton-thanks buddy
he smiled helping you into the house

ashton-hello miss ghost

you-its not funny ashton i feel like im dying
you sighed falling onto the couch curling into a little ball

ashton-hey it's okay
he crouched down sliding his hand into yours

ashton-what do you need me to do

you-put my clothes away, put a bubbly bath on and make me a hot water bottle
you glanced up to him and he smiled

ashton-im on it, don't move an ich baby

you nodded slightly smiling as he wheeled your suitcase into your bedroom beginning to unpack your stuff.

you lay on the couch slightly drifting off to sleep before being picked up into ashton's arms

you muttered opening ur eyes to him

ashton-dont say a word
he kissed ur forehead gently sliding you against the counter undressed you

you-i can do this myself you know
you giggled glancing from his face to ur bubbly bath all full

ashton-well i wanna do it whilst i have my day off you good with that?
he smiled and you slid your hands onto his face melting into his lips

you-mhm sir
you muttered making him smile and chuckle

ashton slid you into the bath and you stared up at him with a smile

you-take a seat

ashton-what, on the floor?
he chuckled and you nodded

you-yes on the floor i want you here
you grabbed his hand and he sat down for you

you-so tell me about this whole sex thing

ashton-oh no, not now ur sick-

you-ashton im also ur therapist and this is something serious we need to tackle

ashton-okay well theres nothing to it

you stared waiting for him to contuine

ashton-i fuck people instead of taking drugs is my honest answer
he shurgged

you-why, does it feel better?

ashton-no but it's better than being an addict

you-you are an addict, sex can be an addiction you know

ashton-now i just sound like some man whore

you-you are not, you even said it yourself that it's the same few girls

ashton-well yeah because they don't ask questions they know its sex to get my mind off the past and im fine with that

you-do you enjoy it?

ashton fell silent

you-you can be honest with me ashton

ashton-its wrong im sorry
he lay his head on the side of the bathtub being unable to look at you

you-no it's okay i had a client exactly like this before his wife went through almost 30 girls a week, do not feel ashamed for picking sex over drugs im glad you did

he smiled

you-how did sex become an option?
you asked running your hand into his hair

ashton-i gave up drugs and it was my last option

you-what about the gym? poetry? going on hikes?

he chuckled
ashton-young ashton didn't think sensibly

you-alright well we can work through it together starting with poetry. did you write any poems?

his cheeks blushed red and a small smile grew on his lips
ashton-a little

you-can i see it?

he reached it his pocket pulling out a small peice of paper opening it up for you

ashton-its about you
he whispered passing it to you and you read through it slightly smiling

you-did writing this help the urges?

ashton-yeah because i was fantising our wedding
he smiled making you chuckle

you-as cute as it is, your gonna run out of poems to write about me

ashton-i don't think i would
he smirked sliding his hand into the water making you little heart through the bubbles

you pushed his hand away making him giggle

you-try nature

ashton-im not a poet im an office worker

you-you don't have to be a poet you could go on hikes

ashton-boring and i'd get lost in my head

you-okay we will think of something
you lay your head back washing ur body as he left the bathroom continuing to unpack your stuff for you.

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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