Chapter 1 : Introduction to Chemwitch

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The day we shifted in our new house. I decided to talk to my dad about my admissions in a nearby school. After dinner we always would take out an hour of our schedule to discuss all the problems and family matters that were needed to attain and no discussions about the same would be done after. We discussed about my school admissions and after some research we came to the conclusion that my admission will be in St. Theresa High School.

The next day after dinner, my dad gave me my new school's acceptance letter. I immediately snatched it from my father's hands and ran towards my room and switched on my laptop and logged into the school's website. After reading everything about my school, the library, classrooms, rules and regulations etc for about half an hour. I decided to log off from the website, that's when I noticed something strange. 

In the corner right of the website, there was a small black button. When I clicked on it, my laptop screen went black, after pressing several random keys the screen was back on but instead of school's website there was a website with black background and on the upper portion there was an old man's face with a creepy smile and on the bottom half there were some paragraph's of information.

So I decided to read it, When I mouthed the headline "Mr Chemwitch". Suddenly the website disappeared and the school's website was back on and the black button disappeared. I gave up after searching for it for about half an hour. Switching off the laptop, I layed down on my bed, and turned my head towards my bookshelf where all my horror novels were kept. A smile crept up on my face and thought "Cool, this school is so interesting, can't wait to find out more about this man, who was he though? and what a unique name he had, 'Mr Chemwitch'. I mouthed again.


 My room's door suddenly burst open. I flinched but calmed down, when I saw my mother standing at the doorway. "Mom! You scared me jeez." I shouted." Oh sorry Madrina, didn't mean to scare you." My mom said and smiled sheepishly. "Anyway, I have news for you, I just got a call from your school and they said that you have your first day tomorrow!" My mom said excitedly. I screamed with joy and started dancing in my room with happiness. 

"Ok, ok hold your horses, now go to bed, so you will be fresh tomorrow morning. Also I have kept your new uniform in the closet." With that my mom left. After switching off all the lights and covering myself with a blanket. I whispered "Mr Chemwitch, I am coming...." and with that I drifted off to probably my only dreamless and peaceful sleep I will have after today. 

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