Chapter 4: - The Chemwitch Page

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"Mom! I am home." I shouted. After standing for 2 minutes removing my shoes. I walked towards the kitchen. "Mom, are you home?" I asked. After receiving no response, I searched the whole house. About 15 minutes later, I gave up after searching the whole house. I went towards the kitchen to get a bottle of water only to find a note on the fridge. 

Madrina dear I am out with Mrs. Suzy for shopping. There's spaghetti in the fridge for lunch and behave well until I return. Love Mom<3. 

" Ughh spaghetti" I complained. 30 minutes later after getting washed up and finishing my Lunch, I went to my room and took out the Introduction Book to read.

When I opened the book, I saw 5 index pages filled with various contents that were either boring or very difficult to understand. After hours searching, I was still unable to find the Chemwitch Page. I got so frustrated that I threw the book angrily to the ground. But as soon as it hit the ground, a page automatically flipped open. I got up and took the book in my hands. A chapter titled "Our Old Faculty Members from Chemistry Field" Finally I found his name in its first column.

Mr Chemwitch:- One of our beloved Chemistry sir. His works for our school will always be a noteworthy contribution to our school.

But something seems odd. If he was an ordinary faculty member of the school, then why are all students and teachers are afraid to even talk about him. So, I decided to flip every page and check. That's when I found the last page, it seemed like it was stuck together. I took my regular scale and tore the page. The Page was now black in color. It looked like someone wrote on these pages with creepy handwriting.

I am Chemwitch, the most feared and creepiest teacher at this school. My past will be the reason for the cursed future of Theresa. I want to Congratulate and also want to laugh at the reader of the page and its fate. If you want to know more about me, go to the school's library in the abandoned history section. Let me warn you. Know about me at your own risk, I might turn into the worst nightmare of your life.

Too Bad you can't hear my cackle 😈


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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