Chapter 2:- The Chatty Silent Bus Ride

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   At 7 am I got up and did my bathroom rituals. I looked at my mirror after wearing my uniform and packed my bag. "Morning charm" mom said, as I was coming down the stairs. "Morning mom so what's for breakfast?" I asked. "the usual bread butter and orange juice. "Mom said.

I applied butter on bread and while stuffing it in my mouth I asked "So is there any school bus or ca...rrrb?". "Madrina, how many times have I told you not to talk while eating...and yes, you have been allotted a school bus which should arrive around ... [HONK!]...well now." Mom then looked at me with wide eyes. "WHAT! Why didn't you tell me that earlier?.....ughhhhh, byeeeee." I stuffed some more bread in my mouth and sprinted towards the door with my bag.

As I came out of my house, I saw a big yellow and blue painted bus outside with big bold letters written on it saying 'St Theresa High School.' "Hurry up, are you going to get in or shall we leave you here?!"Bus driver yelled. "Yes! Yes! sorry ."I apologized.

I climbed in and was searching for a seat, when a boy stood up and said "you can sit beside me, if you don't mind." I smiled and sat beside him. "Hi, I am Kevin." he introduced himself and offered his hand to shake. "Hi, I am Madrina. Nice to meet you." and shake his hand back. "Madrina, what a unique name. So as you are the newbie in the school, let me guide you and introduce you to our school."Kevin said. "Ok, so can you tell me about Mr Chemwitch?" I asked.

All the color from Kevin's face drained, his smile faded and he went pale. The whole bus was now silent, everyone was staring at me. "No one talks about him in this school, do not utter his name again, if you want to live and learn peacefully in this school." Kevin warned. After that the whole bus was silent, including me and Kevin. "Whoever this Chemwitch Is will find out about him no matter what, sooner or later." I promised myself.

The Horror's Of ChemwitchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora