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(So im kinda New to all this "Story makin" stuff yk? So pleas dont be Harsh on meh ples)

Static Wakes up in a Place Made out of Black and white Pixels. His Mind was Compleatly Empty of Memorys except his Name. He Looked around to see Nothing but Black and White Void. As he stood up he Looked around to see a Sharp, Bonelike Spear on the Ground next to him. As he picked it up he Proceeds To walk in an Direction to Explore the New Found Area he found himself in. He couldnt Feel anything. He Couldnt remember Anything. He Just...Existed. As he walkes Around some More he saw a Blue Like Portal. He Approaches it Cautiously. He stopped infront of it inspecting it, And then Walked Through. He Found himself in an Grassy Landscape With Flowers Surrounding him.

As he Looks around he could see Some Kind of House in the Distance, and Proceeds To walk to it. As he Stood infront of the house he could see that there were no windows at the house, just a door. As he opend the door he saw that the house was almost emtpy with only a light bulb lightening The room. As he looked around he could see a wall Compleatly Inscripted with Bloody red text. "IT will make its Way" "Running is the Only Option" "It will End us all". As he read more he wonderd. Who is IT? As he read more he saw a specific inscription "IT has No Limits." He Noticed a Little Dot in the middle of the "O" That looked like a little Button. He Pressed the button and suddenly heard a door open behind him. He slowly walked to the door as he saw a stairway Going down to some sort of basement. He hesitated a bit then proceeding to go down. As he went down the stairway he heard Voices. Voices wich were telling him to run. He ignored the voices and as he reached the bottom of the stairway the voices stopped. He saw a Dimly Lighted hallway With an old door at the end. As he walked to the door he saw that it was Messed up compleatly. As he opend it he enterd a room wich had two windows and a bed. 

The room was Dimly lit With Ligth coming from the Windows. As static walked around to inspect the room he Looked throught the window. As he looked through it he saw only light. Suddenly He heard quick footsteps and then a Cracking noise. As he turned around he saw a that the door has been destroyed as he Quickly Followed the Footsteps. He quickly Saw a Glimps Of a figure As he walked up the stairs and then running outside the house. He looked around to see if the figure was somewhere, But nothing. Not a single soul. Static was a bit confused Then proceeds not to Worry about it too much as he continiued to explore the Landscape. 

As he Explored a Bit more he Saw some Structures in the distance. As he Approched it he Saw a Figure in the Dinstance Walking to him. He could hear it Scream "Hey you! Friend of Foe!?" Static cautios About this Situation Equipped his Spear, Just in case as the Figure Approached him Standing a few Meters away from him. The Figure Repeated. "Friend of Foe?" Static Said nothing as he inspected the Figure Infront of him. It Was wearing a White Jacket with Red Fluff and A white Cowboy Like Hat. Static Saw that the Figure had a Big Red Like Spiked Rifle on his Back, and two Daggers On its Belt. "...Neither," Static said with a Monotone Voice. "Aha! Well then! Friends are always Welcome in our Town!" The Figure said with a Friendly Tone and a Nice Smile. "My Name is Bloodshot! And who might you Be Stranger?" "...Static." Static said with An monotone Voice And emotionless stare. "Well Then Static!" Bloodshot Declared with a Louder yet Friendly Tone. "Welcome To Inferdia! Why dont you come in? I can show ya Around abit."

Static and Bloodshot enter the village. As Static Looked around to See Monsters And other Creatures alike walk around. As they Approach a Tavern. "Why dont we Get something to eat. You look like you're Starving." Bloodshot said as they Enterd. Monsters and Humans were chatting and talking to eachother. "Heya Sheriff! What can i do for ya." The Bartender Said. "The Same As Everyday, Mate! And some Souffle For our Traveler here." Bloodshot said As he sat down. Static sat next to him. Looking around the Tavern. "...Sheriff?" Static asked. "Why yes, I am the Sheriff of this Town. I protect these Citizens From Certain danger." Bloodshot said with a Proud Voice. "From What?" Static Asked. "Well From the Creatures Living out there. We had an amounts of attacks That costed many lives." Bloodshot said as he Drank his Drink. "So thats why they got me! Im the One in Charge you know? Keepin the Citizens Protected, and sometimes doing some Paperwork. You know the deal." Bloodshot Stated as he took another sip of his Drink. "But enougth About me. What about you Static? Where do you come from?" Static Stayed Silent for a while stating at the Desk. "I...Dont know..." He said Bluntly. "You dont know where you came from?" "Well...I Just...Woke up in a Wierd Area. and Stepped through a Wierd Portal...Then i got Here." Static said as he looked back at Bloodshot. "Well... That certainly is Interresting. What about your spear?" Bloodshot said as he looked at Statics Spear. "...I dont know. It was just...Next to me when i woke up. i Had To Keep it In case Something was Out there..." Static Said Staring back at the Table. "Well Then. Enougth Off that. Tell me Why didnt you just stay in your "Wierd Area" Its not like this place is a Good Idea Either." Bloodshot let out a little Chuckle "Yes! Its Beutifull and Such wich the Flowers and the Landscapes. but it does have its Dangers." Bloodshot drank a Bit again from his Drink. "Like... that wierd House?" Bloodshot Spat out his drink as he looked back at static With a Shocked Expression. "What house...?" Bloodshot said with a Serious Expression. "Well When i was exploring the Are. I saw a Wierd Structure and Went inside it. I saw some wierd Inscriptions on the walls. There was also this....Wierd Room." Static said looking at Bloodshot again as he said "There was also someone, or something down there, It broke through the door i went in and ran out. i couldnt find it again after that." Bloodshot looked at static with a Serious Expression as he then stood up. "Come with me Static. i want to show you something." Static Stood Up and followed Bloodshot outside the village to a small forrest. "You see. That house Contained something Far Worse than everything we have ever experienced. If IT is free then we are doomed." Bloodshot said As static Followed Behind. "What is IT?" Static asked. "IT Is something out of everyones Worst Nightmare. A Brutal Killer capable Of Destroying Everything in its Path." Bloodshot said as they arrived in the Middle of the woods. "Listen. I wantet to explain to you a bit without making the villagers Panic you know? So i had to get ya here. Anyways. Can you tell me more about what happend in the House?" Static Tells what else has happend while he was in the house.  

(Weyo! First Page done! Second one is in progress!)

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