Time to Go.

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(yay Part 3! Lets do dis!)

Static Woke up, in an unknown area. It was All Just, dark, With No Lights Everywhere. Werent he in Bloodshots House a moment ago? As he stood up to investigate he heard...Something... Voices... Alot of them... He looked around as he tried to grab for his spear, as he then notices. Where is my Spear? The Voices Grew louder Around him as he Stayed his Ground. Suddenly...The voices stopped. All he heard was...chuckling . Someone was chuckling in the distance. He turned around as he saw two Bloody red eyes. With Pitch black Pupils. He Takes a few steps back, as the eyes continue to Stare at him.  Suddenly a Mouth was forming. As Bloody Red Spiked Mouth. "Static..." The Face Said with a Sinister Voice. Static Took another step back. "You cant hide From me...Running is the Only Option..." It said as Static could see an Axe Forming. "Nothing will safe you...Hehehehe..." It Raises its Axe and chuckeling Manically, Static looking up seeing the Axe as he realised that he couldnt move anymore as Chains Grab onto his Legs. "This is your Fate..." It Slashes at Static, As he Woke up looking around, to find himself at his room again.  

As Static Looks around. He Thought about what he just experienced. He Stands up again Walking to his window To look outside. It was Day time Already. As he stared outside to see the People Walking around Doing their own buisness He wondered. Where did they all Come from? Did they Also Just, appear like Him? He thought. as he Turns around to walk to the door. as he walked through the hallway he Rememberd the Hallway in the Basement. As he stopped for a Second. Then continiue to go. As he got to the Stairway back downstairs he Saw the Basement Stairway Shortly again. He Ignored it Going downstairs to see Bloodshot sitting in his Chair Eating cheerios. "Heya! How was the Night?" Bloodshot said looking at Static. "...Good." Static Said as he sat down. Bloodshot Said "Want some?" "...not Hungry." "Alrighty." Bloodshot looks back at his Cheerios. "Oh Yeah! I wantet to ask. Are you Feeling Ready for your Trip?" Bloodshot added as he Looked back up at Static. "Hm...?" Static Looked kinda confused. "Your Trip to the Other Village. You Remember?" Static thinks a bit, then nodding. "...Im ready." Static Said Looking at Bloodshot with an Blank Expression. As Always. Bloodshot looks as Static "Alrighty then! Pack the stuff you need for your travel. you got a long way ahead of you. Aaaaaand Not Much time."
Time Indeed Was Limited. Black death Could attack at any time it fits. Bloodshot handed Static a Backpack "Get to the Nearest Shop and Get Supplies. You got a Long way ahead of ya." "...Arent you Coming aswell?" Static added as he Got his Backpack Ready. "God No! I got a Village to Protect here. Just imagine if Black death Comes back! The City will be unprotected." Bloodshot stood up and walked up to static. "Listen Bud. you gotta take things into your hands now aight? Ill stay here and Stand my Ground to protect lives. You have to do this alone. Capiche?" Bloodshot looked at static with a Serious Expression. Static Understood and nods Walking towards the door. "Take care aight?" Static Looked back and nodded again, As he the turned around again walking out to see the Sun shining, Today was a Rather sunny day, Static thought as he Looked around for a Market Or Shop. He was walking around, Realizing how Huge this Village actually was. What he also realizes is how many Villagers there are. Humans, Monsters Even Some other Creatures Alike. As he Looked around more he finnaly saw a Market Approaching it he saw that it was a rather small shop. Better than nothing atleast. He got in and looked around a bit to Find Alot of Supplies. Food, Drinks even Weapons Alike. He bought Himself: Food ,water, A Huge map to know where the other village is, A compass, And a Little dagger.He payed With the money Bloodshot packed in his Backpack and got back out to Go to the Towns Exit. As he Reached the End of the village he looked back and inhales, then Exhales as he Was Finnaly ready to go on his way to the other village. 

(A little Less Words Due to me Not knowing how to Continiue the Story in this page)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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