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After a long while of Mia recording her stream and Olouron very patiently answering all of her questions and pretty minor demands she ended the recording, leaving her phone alone for a bit so she could check how famous did she get later on. She looked up at the 'god' in front of her, saying:

"Thanks for being so patient with me Orry, you know I never had many people to talk to so openly" she said with a smile, making the man chuckle a bit and respond with "No need to thank me, sunbeam, but I do have a question for you. You said Greta was the one that tried to kill you before Argus showed up to escort you, no?"

Mia furrowed her brows a bit and said "He likes to be called Gus, you're nice to me and all but maybe you should try motivating your guards with that same niceness too, you know... and yeah it was her"

A muffled chuckle escaped Olouron, though the man said "Very well, I'll consider that advice sunbeam, since you seem so good at socializing maybe you could help me out with that. And I will deal with Greta thank you very much, you go change into something you like, we'll be visiting a relative of mine soon"

Mia nodded and took her phone, walking out of the room and closing the door behind her. Olouron focused for a bit, pulling the old witch from her original position and making her appear in his throne room.

"What did I tell you hag?! You are not supposed to harm anyone, especially not her. You know what, I've had enough of your bullshit!" Olouron grabbed Greta's face, making her excuse transition into screaming as her body started melting, only leaving her when she was mostly dead.

"Now, take your phylactry and die next to it, give your power to the vilest being you can find in this town, maybe someone using common sense could be as useful as you in your glory days. Leave now, don't wither in front of me, and when you finally end up in hell tell Karaba that I'm visiting"

When Greta was allowed to stand up she took off her phylactry, her brooch, flying out of the palace and through another portal so she could obey her master's command one last time, she knew she didn't have to obey but at this point she was deathly afraid of Olouron.

As Greta was finding her successor Mia walked back to the throne room, wearing a white dress with golden accents, similar to the one her new friend was wearing. "Alright, Orry! Where are we going?" She asked, excited to find out what her new magical life would bring.

Earth, twelve hours after the deal

Lea and Jasper were by far the most exhausted of the entire group of friends, they barely slept last night, overthinking whatever would await them when they meet Olga again, they didn't want to exactly disrespect their deal with a giantess seemingly stronger than any world record holder.

Theo barely even got out of the house, his father was on a business trip and so he was left alone with his witch of a mother, Petunia Grey, a woman so vile and cold that Theo thought that she would make a better witch than the ones he saw last night, at least they did not actively want to harm anyone.

Mitar was the only one fully awake or able to walk, helping Theo out by letting the bruised redhead lean on him for support. "So, are we all ready to meet her?" Mitar asked, getting pretty unphased uncaring responses from the others, which was understandable given how tired they seemed to be.

"Look, I'm barely standing on my feet but I want to help my lil sis you know" Jacob joked, making Lea say "We're twins, you hack". Theo laughed a bit at them and said "Let's not waste our time before she shows up here"

The other three nodded, following Theo to the forest since he had the clearest memory of the path, managing to get them to the place of the now destroyed portal where, as promised, Olga was sitting and drinking a big glass of beer, now less armored and weaponized, with only one small silver ring on her hand instead of the many magic jewels she was wearing last night.

"Hello little ones! Are you ready for our little mission, you won't have to walk a lot anymore don't worry, I see that you're tired, but you should get used to it you know!" Olga sounded very happy and endearingly heroic but the kids knew that she was being dead serious beyond all of that laughter and the joky tone.

The giantess showed off her ring and said "This will take you all to the realm of the giants, there is no coming back after this unless we kill those damn witches and rescue your friend, so who's with me, this is your last chance to back out" in the end everyone agreed for their own reasons, letting Olga snap her fingers and teleport them all to a forest filled with morbidly large trees, pretty much a hundred times bigger than normal trees, for that matter everything was way bigger, including Olga who was now able to use her true physical appearance.

The giantess picked them all up and said "You'll have to talk to my boss first, he's a witch too in a way but he defected from their ranks, I guess he couldn't handle his worst nightmare, a bunch of old women asking him for his entire life's story!" She laughed a bit to herself, smiling a bit when she heard that her new companions actually laughed at a joke of hers this time.

Soon after that she started walking, arriving at a palace that to the children looked strangely familiar, they heard about the giant realm in their little tabletop game, they knew of its ruler too, Utgard-Loki, a powerful sorcerer and connoisseur of all thing magic related, he did sound like their best possible helping hand, though all of them hoped that he was less malicious than he was in their games and the novels they read.

As the children were entering the palace of whoever ruled the giants, Greta finally found her successor, ms. Grey. The flock of birds crashed the window to Grey's office, the woman obviously freaking out. When Petunia grabbed the brooch one of the still alive birds, Greta's last remaining way to speak, looked up at her.

"I have no time to explain this to you, put the brooch on and say "I am the holder of your power and this is the holder of my soul. Now!" Petunia decided to listen since she had not much to lose, putting it on her tuxedo and repeating what Gerta told her. When the painful spell for both parties involved was over Petunia looked at herself in the mirror.

She seemed to still look mostly like herself, her body didn't hurt anymore, she even felt refreshed honestly. The only difference was the fact that Petunia's heart felt somehow emptier than usual, she felt relieved of any conscious or morality she felt before. The woman touched her brooch, saying "If you work, and all of that was real, give me a way to learn this power"

She waited for a bit, honestly feeling like she actually just went insane before  a floating book appeared in front of her, originally written in Serbian for Greta's needs but now translating itself to English as Petunia looked at the turning pages. The woman put the book down on her table and smirked a bit to herself, maybe this brooch would be her way to get her son in line.

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