"Oh, we're going to hell"

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Mia raised her brow a bit at what Orion said so casually, thinking that he was joking before she remembered who she was talking to. The man nodded a bit and said

"Yup, my sister Karaba is the ruler down there, it's not exactly hell but yes that is what you humans call it. Come on come on"

Orion walked out of his throne room with Mia and looked at his guard and said "Agu- Gus, can you please open the portal?" He wasn't used to being so nice to his servants but this basic kindness seemed to motivate Gus, the giant nodded and opened it, making the two of them appear in a barren looking desert of black sand


"Here we are, kid, follow me" Orion said and lit up their path which was very dimly lit by a giant red eye in the sky which obviously freaked Mia out. She was even more freaked out by the living scarecrows in the front yard of a big black hut, though she did seem satisfied by one of them looking like Greta.

The also living door opened itself, letting Karaba walk out, a woman who looked relatively similar to her brother Orion, though unlike him she was completely bald and her eye was glowing just like the one in the sky, and as to not scare her young guest, an eye patch to replace was magically taped onto her head.

"Hello brother, why did you bring this child here? Is she a relative?" Karaba asked and Orion shook his head a bit "Not sure, but she is your new student."

The witch looked at then for a bit and said "Come in, child, if you want to make your new friend proud" she walked in with Mia who seemed to very enthusiastically enter the house with Karaba, ignoring the bone furniture and literally living walls.

"Let's see what you can do, child, put this on first" she gave Mia a glowing bracelet, closing her eye when Mia put it on. The witch furrowed her brows a bit in pain, breathing heavily and saying "Well, you surely do take after Orion, do you want to start your training now, child?"



s the children were entering the palace of the giants with Olga they looked completely amazed, they never saw a building like this in real life, it really did look like something from their games. "Welcome to the palace of Utgard Loki friends!" Olga said with a wide smile, walking into a throne room where an old giant was sitting.

An old giant was wearing a crown that almost seemed small for him, he looked tired and almost dead but seemed to light up a bit when he saw Olga. "Hey boss man! I brought some magic users here as you wished" the giantess said, all the kids looking shocked at this revelation.

"What?! Why are you so surprised? Those witches couldn't find you and they're able to hunt humans pretty effectively... your parents still teach you how to run and hide from them right?" The giantess said in a confused tone. "No no no, Olga, their parents don't believe in our existence, right child?" Utgard Loki said, looking down at Lea.

"Yeah, I guess, we have fairytales but people think they're just made up stories... they think you're just a villain in a story for kids" Lea said in a shy tone, feeling somehow ashamed for not being aware that witches and giants exist.

Mitar nodded and said "Yeah, in some parts of the world some stories are different than others, the witches we saw were unlike any we've heard of" the giant king nodded and said "I understand, it all sounds impossible to you but you, my children, are the impossible, and I will show you the powers you have deep down inside you"

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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