14. Watch The Sky

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Together, Drake and I rode all of the rides several times, shared some cotton candy, watched the band perform, and looked at all of the game booths. Some of the games even had stuffed animals and prizes, just like at the fair. Drake tried to win a giant teddy bear with a red bow around his neck, but couldn't ever put the ball in the basket three times in a row.

"I don't get it," he said. He sounded frustrated. "I can throw a damn football forty yards down the field perfectly on target, but I can't sink a few lousy hoops. That game is ridiculous."

"Maybe it's because you aren't wearing your lucky sneakers," I joked.

Drake didn't get it. "What?"

"Never mind," I said. It gave me a thought though. Was it possible that Drake's ability on the field wasn't entirely natural?

"This game sucks," he said.

"It doesn't matter," I said. "Who cares? Besides, it's not like I really want to carry a giant teddy bear for the rest of the night."

"That's not the point." He raised his voice loud enough to make some people near us turn and stare. "The freakin' game's gotta be rigged or something."

"Don't overreact," I said. I was getting annoyed with his tone. So far, we'd been having a good time, but I was starting to realize that it was always all about Drake. He didn't even really care if I wanted the stupid bear or not. All he cared about was winning. "It's not a big deal. Let's play a different game."

"I need another beer," he said. He led me toward the bar that was set up near the stage where the band was playing.

I thought he'd had more than enough beer. He was supposed to be driving me home in a few hours. But I had a feeling if I mentioned his drinking right now he would flip out on me. Instead, I kept my mouth shut.

Luckily, we ran into Lark and Allison near the dance floor.

"Hey!" Lark ran up and gave me a hug. "I feel like I haven't seen you all night. Are you having fun? Isn't this party to die for?"

I nodded. "It's great."

"Allison and I were thinking about going to get our faces painted. You want to come?"

I looked to Drake. "Do you mind?"

"Nah," he said, taking a swig of his beer. "I'm gonna see if I can find Foster. I'll catch up with you later."

To be honest, I was relieved to see him go. The more I got to know Drake, the less infatuated I became. My mind kept turning to Jackson Hunt and his piercing green eyes. I kept wondering what he was doing tonight. Maybe he was with Morgyn. And what was her deal, anyway?

"Gosh, don't look so serious, Harper," Allison said. "This is a party, remember?"

I smiled and shook my head, trying to shake away my thoughts. Yes, this was a party and we were supposed to be having the time of our lives. "That cotton candy upset my stomach," I lied. "But I'm sure I'll be okay in a few."

"Aww," Lark said. She put her arm around me and stuck out her bottom lip. "That sucks. Can I get you anything?"

"No," I said. "I'll be fine. Let's just find something fun to take my mind off of it."

Once we got to the face painters, I chose a cluster of hearts for my right cheek in bright blues, purples and pinks. The girl even added some glitter. I felt kind of like a kid again.

"Do you think Brooke's having a good time?" I asked. I was standing around watching the face painter put a large blue butterfly on Lark's cheek.

Allison rolled her eyes. "Are you kidding me? She's the center of attention on a night where almost everyone in school came out to celebrate her birthday. Look at this place. There's got to be almost five hundred people here."

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