Chapter 5

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Katsuki P.O.V: After I bandage up my bruises I just went upstairs to find eri but I found her with Izuku both giving me death stares and I just went back into the basement/ my room because that's where I spend all day and sometimes night and after that Izuku came down stairs with a bat and hit me until I fainted and woke up again and I was covered in blood and he picked me up and gave me a bath and he could feel me trembling every time he touched me and left me to do the rest and said 2 words "My bedroom " and of course when I got there he just yelled at me and slapped me but I was used to it by now and I just stayed quiet mostly because my body hurts and I feel like my voice annoy him.

Izuku P.O.V  :  after yelling Katsuki I was tired and I felt like cuddling until I wake up he just kept on trembling but I couldn't give a single fuck and I yelled at him to stop shaking and I woke up like after 1 hour because he was crying and I pretended I care and asked him what's wrong of course he said nothing and I just threatened him and he said it then after one word I zoned out and I went back sleep and cuddled him and he stopped shaking and knocked out I was pround and I'm being so serious but I just held him closer after a few hours we woke up and started getting ready after Katsuki was done getting ready and now started cleaning  and cooking and before I left I put a tracker and shock collar on him so yk just incase he thinks about doing dumb shit. 

Katsuki pov:  after he left I was almost done cleaning and went to get water since I've been cleaning for a hour now I am going to the basement because his phscyo self just captures his enemies and torture or kill them and there is one alive so I changed his bandages and gave him a drink and a snack and he was grateful and I cleaned up the blood and I went upstairs and watched TV and saw that Izuku comes home in a hour with his friends so I made a feast and made their plates and they walked through the door and I welcomed them and Izuku told me to be nice and don't say some slick shit or the stuff I do to you and I listened to him because I'm not going through no damn punishment and his friends asked me why I'm not eating and I said I'm not hungry I ate something earlier and they believed 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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