Christian POV

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Christian kept his eyes glued to Cerise. She was sitting with Cedar, doing homework.

"Hey!" His sister Colette yelled as she waved her hands in front of his face. She scowled at him, which he was very used to.

Colette was always nagging him. She wanted his destiny, and frankly, Christian was fine with that. Their mom was Cruella De Vil, and that wouldn't earn you very much credit at Ever After High. There were other people with evil parents, but they all wanted to follow in their parents footsteps. That didn't float his boat.

"Listen up. Mom wants you to make enemies with everyone you see. So do it!" His younger sister yelled.

Christian made a face. "Enemies? You know, most parents encourage their kids to make friends, not enemies." He only said that because of Cerise Hood.

Sparrow was the one that had showed Christian and Colette around the school, and the first person they had met was Cerise.

"Uuuuugh! You're IMPOSSIBLE!" Colette screamed. As she stomped away, her black and white hair bounced on her shoulders. Christian and Colette looked a lot alike, except her hair was black streaked with white, while one half of his hair was white and the other black.

"Later," Cedar said as she got up, leaving Cerise on the ground studying.

'Now's my chance,' Christian thought. He had wanted to talk to Cerise earlier, but she had started studying with Cedar.

"Hey," he said, walking over. "How's it going?" He crouched next to Cerise.

"Good." She smiled and pulled her hood further over her forehead. "How is it with you?"

"Well, my sister's a jerk, but I'm with you now, so I'm good." Christian tried to be smooth. Inside, he was panicking.

He cleared his throat. "Do you want to meet me in the woods later? Maybe, five o'clock?"

"Sounds fun." Cerise stood up. "Later." She walked, well ran, away.
She seemed as fast as a dog, or maybe a wolf. Christian's mom was constantly chasing dogs, so he knew fast, and that was it.


Christian was going to light a few candles, but they were in the low hanging trees so he decided against it.

'Where is she?' Christian thought to himself.

He straitened his tuxedo's sleeves. His mom had made him wear it, to make him look punctual or something like that. Usually, his mom made him wear one made out of dalmatian print, but today he changed into one less...ugly? Yes, that was it.

Finally, Cerise said ran up to him. "Sorry I'm late."
Her hair was in a long side braid, framed by a beautiful hood with fuzz around the edges. She was probably wearing other nice things, but, being a guy, Christian didn't notice. He was too wrapped up in her.

'She could pull of my dalmatian print tuxedo.' The thought brought a smile to his face.

"Shall we?" He motioned to a table with a plate of chicken and other foods.

"Sure." Cerise sat down in the small chair.

Christian was thinking how beautiful Cerise's hair was, when all of the sudden she growled and her eyes turned yellow.

"Are you okay?" He asked, getting up and walking over to her chair.

Cerise stood up and backed away, her blue eyes returning.

"I-I'm fine." She looked up and gasped. "I have to go."

She grabbed her purse and started running. Luckily, Christian ran with dogs so he had some experience with running fast.

"STOP!" He yelled, dodging rocks and trees as he ran after her. He finally caught up and grabbed her hood. The force pulled it back, revealing furry wolf ears sticking up out of the top of her head.

Christian's eyes widened. "Cerise, I..." He stared at her.

Cerise's eyes teared up, and she pulled her hood up and ran out of the woods.

Christian didn't follow. His head dropped and he slumped down back into his chair.

He never noticed his sister hiding in the trees.

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