Christian's POV

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He felt terrible about last night and to make it worse Cerise wasn't there today. He was lost in thought when basically everyone's least favorite teacher came up and smacked his desk with a ruler. Christian snapped out of his trance and looked up at the most menacing teacher of all. Mr. Bad Wolf.

"Meet me in the enchanted forest after school." Mr. Bad Wolf growled and walked back to the front of the class.

After school Christian hurried towards the forest he saw a line of basically every boy in EAH. Christian walked through the line to the front and saw Mr. Bad Wolf talking to Hopper.

"No, I wasn't there," Hopper said. "And why do you care about some silly girl?" Mr. Bad Wolf pounded his hands on the table and started yelling.

"Headmaster Grimm told me to look for the one who sent home the 'silly' girl AND I WANT AND ANSWER NOW!!!!!! AND HER NAME IS CERISE!!!!!! NOW GET TO CLASS!!!!" Mr. Bad Wolf calmed down and called forward the next boy in line.

"Excuse me, sir. But what is this all about?"

"Ah, the slacker boy. Surprised you showed up." Christian asked his question again but this time with more urgency.

"What is this all about?" Christian asked also putting his hands on the table. Christian had a feeling he knew what it was but he had to be sure.

"A young girl was sent home, you didn't have anything to do with this, did you?" Mr. Bad Wolf raised his one eyebrow questionably.

"Nope." Christian walked away, knowing he would regret lying to Mr. Bad Wolf.

Sorry it's so short

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