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Kiro. Shy but also likes to interact with people.f nowhere as he stands up and explores the places his in,
He saw alot of petals and flowers on the ground, he was very suprised because it was his first time seeing a flower. How suprising huh? A boy who lived in nature for a long time never saw a flower. His father kept him in the small cabin. Where he was isolated from society, kiro dosent know why he was isolated, his father decided to visit him in the cabin, but the only thing his father saw was NOTHING.
His father got very mad, "KIRO YOU PIECE OF SHIT!! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" As his father yelled, kiro didnt heared him, he kept exploring until he finally reached the city. "woah.. su-such a big p-place.."kiro said.
Kiro decided to go over there but there was a guard who was guarding the entrance of the city, the guard saw kiro and approached him "hello sir. What are you doing here? Shouldnt you be in the city? Or are you a tourist?" Says the guard. Kiro shook his head as a sign of no. The guard was suprised and pulled kiro over and took him in a small room "wait here. I'll call some guards to look after you. I'll deal with you after my shift. Got it?" As the guard said in a cold tone, kiro nods. Few hours passed by the guard went back to pick up kiro, the guard saw that kiro was asleep so he decided to carry him to his car and drove over to his house.
(Time skip)
It was the next day, kiro woke up he saw that his in a different house, he wondered around and saw the guard. The guard notices kiro and invites him for breakfast
"So whats your name?" Says the guard, "my names k-kiro.." as kiro said in fear. "Oh? Such a unique name for a boy. My names zein" the guard said, "so kiro.. where do you live? I can drive you back to your house." Zein said, as a reply kiro said "huh? Oh.. uhm yea i dont really have a house.." he lied. He lied just so he can stay away from his brutal father.
"Oh is that so? You can live here witn me than." Zein said warmly, "huh? Oh thanks i guess.." kiro replys."well then uhm kiro? Wanna go to an amusement park or?" Zein said
"Amusement park? Whats that?" Kiro asked confused, "you dont know what an Amusement park is?" Zein said
"Well urm.. yea i dont." Kiro said, "is that so huh? Then kets go and ill show you what it is!" Zein said happily.

End of chapter 1

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