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*as kiro opened the door, zein was shocked to see who was the person who knocked on the door*

"Suprised zein." Says KLEO. Zein ran towards the door an pushed kleo away and closed the door. Kiro was confused why he did that "zein why did you do that? Who is that guy?" Says kiro, zein didnt answer and went back in the kitchen to cook dinner, when he finished cooking he called kiro to eat, kiro went into the kitchen and sat and ate, when they were both finished zein washed the dishes while kiro went upstairs to take a bath.

When zein was done washing the dishes, he was waiting for kiro to finish showering, suddenly he got a call from an unknown number he  answered it "uhm hello? Who is this?" Zein said, "why did you shut the door huh? Do you really hate me that much?" Kleo said, as zein heared kleos voice, he now remembered kleo. "How the fuck did you get my number?" Zein said, he was trying to keep a calm tone
"Oh you dont need to know that~ oh and whos that pretty boy that opened the door? He look cute~" kleo said


Zein ended the call. He heared the door open, it was kiro he was done showering

"Zein..? I heared you talking with someone? Is it your boss or co workers? Do you need to go to work at this time? Is it an emergency? I can preper your cloth-" kiro was cutted of
"No kiro.. its just some unfinished bussiness. Dont worry about it tho, i can handle it" zein said, "oh okay then.." kiro said

Zein wa getting sleepy, so was kiro they both decided to go to bed(theyre sharing the same bed help😭)

-----------------------------------NEXT DAY-------------------------------------------

Zein woke up early to go to work, he was all done getting ready while kiro was asleep. Before he left he left a note on the kitchen counter for kiro to read. (Time skip) kiro woke up and was looking for zein, he decided to look at the for him at the kitchen since zein lives cooking. He saw the note the note was saying:

"Dear kiro, good morning! You might be wondering why im not home huh? Dont worry im at work, i already cooked you your favorite breakfast, fried rice, egg, sausage , ham.
I also buttered the fried rice! So itll be sweet and delicious. Ill be back at 9:30 PM. - zein"

Kiro was panicking because its his first time without zein.
Suddenly. He got a phone call on the telephone.

END ------>

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