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Hello everyone and welcome to this book.

This is meant to be an overview of different aspects of witchcraft. It is by no means a complete guide, and by no means am I an expert on the topic.

Do your own research. I spent six months doing intense research before I even started doing anything - many witches take more time to research, and I'm definitely still learning.

Don't take everything at face value, back it up, look at multiple different sources. For example - you might read this and other similar guides on wattpad, look at tumblr or tiktok, but also articles on websites and books on the topic to get a more academic style research and a more in-depth look.

This book is intended to provide a starting point, to give areas that can be researched into further, for the beginner witch to have something to go off when starting to research.

I will likely make a second book that goes into a lot more detail and expands on certain areas that I focus on, but of course this one will be completed first.

- Lunaria🔮

1 - Welcome
2 - What is witchcraft?
3 - Morality in witchcraft
4 - Witchcraft and religion
5 - What is magic?
6 - Basic safety
7 - Grimoire/Book of Shadows
8 - Meditation, Grounding & Centring
9 - Altars
10 - Tools
11 - Planets and other Celestial Bodies

(This is an incomplete list of the contents and not all of them have been published yet, it is for reference once they have all been added, completed, and published)

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