♡Operation KANGs♡

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Flash Back

Kevin POV

It was me and Fang's first date in MONTHS I mean we both had been really busy so I was really excited

We were at this new fancy restaurant sitting just enjoying each other when "I love you" Fangs said making me smile "I love you more" I said and he smiled "Its kinda nice being out that apartment and away from the group" Fangs said and I nod 

"I love them I do but they are a HANDFUL sometimes" Fangs said "Mostly Sweetpea" I joked and his face scrunched up "I was joking" I said and he just nodded

"I gotta use the bathroom real quick" Fangs said and I nodded he winked and walked off than I notice his phone went off I grabbed it and see he got a message from Malachi❤️ making me furrow my eyebrows

Why the fuck would Fangs ex be texting him it could be important so I should read the text so I open his phone and go to the message "Hey, I'm coming to NY this week and was wondering if you wanted to catch up over dinner I haven't seen you in a minute I miss you ❤️" I stare at the message 

I hear Fangs sit back down making me look up at him "I saw an old man in the bathroom and you wont believe what he said to me" Fangs started but his face dropped when he noticed mine "Whats wrong" he asked 

"When was the last time you spoke to Malachi" I asked "What" he asked "When was the last time you spoke to Malachi" I repeated "Uh I haven't heard from him since our breakup which was like YEARS ago Kev" Fangs said which was a lie because I scrolled up and noticed he had been texting him for a good minute

"Why do you ask" he asked searching the table I assume searching for his phone so I throw it to him making his eyes widen "That's why" I said "Kevin" Fangs said and I just stood up and walked out why the fuck would he lie to me like that

I walk to the car about to open the door when I hear "Kevin wait" making me look to see Fangs he ran over making me cross my arms "I can explain" he said "Oh really you can explain why you're texting you lied about texting your ex or why his name has a red fucking heart" I said

"Yes" he said "Go on" I said crossing my arms "Look we ran into each other awhile ago and we just started texting he put the heart there I didn't I swear" Fangs said and I just stare at him "I didn't tell you because I know how you get Kevin" Fangs said "HOW THE FUCK DO I GET" I yelled 

"All jealous" Fangs said "He's your ex why the fuck are you texting him in the first place" I said raising my voice "Before we started dating we were friends so of course I'm gonna still be his friend" Fangs said

"YOU COULD HAVE FUCKING TOLD ME" I screamed "I didn't tell you because I knew this was how you were gonna get" Fangs said and I smirk before walking out "WHERE ARE YOU GOING" I hear Fangs yelled making me ignore him

I walked home that night and when I got there I see Fangs standing there I try to walk passed him but he grabbed me "Kevin listen I'm sorry okay" Fangs said and I just stare at him "You are the only boy for me Kevin Keller I promise you okay were just friends" Fangs said

"Pinkie   promise" I said poking my pinkie out "No" Fangs said and I give him a look and he grabs my pinkie with his and kisses me "Pinkie promise" he said and I smiled

Flash Back 2

Third POV

Kevin still couldn't get over the fact Fangs was texting his ex so he started to do what Fangs said and become Jealous every where they went Kevin would side eye the people who looked at Fangs

And Fangs saw it which caused fights between the couple argument after argument the two started to argue over dumb reasons now such as Fangs smoking. Everyone knew Kevin hated smoking the thought of it the smell of it made Kevin sick

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