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Two weeks after everything happened it was Thursday October 2nd 

Jugheads POV

I wake up to my phone ringing making me groan and grab it and answer it and put it to my ear "Hello" I said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" my three sisters yelled making me smile "Thank you for blowing my ear drums out" I said "You love us" JB said and I laugh

"Lets sing our big brother happy birthday" Faith said "OH GOD" I groaned and they started to sing to me making me laugh I shake my head after the song was over "Happy Birthday Forsythe" Faith said "Thank you" I said

"We wish you were here Juggie" Jellybean said and I sighed "I know Jelly I promise one of these days I'll get enough money and fly you down here" I said "Really!" Jellybean asked "Duh!" I said "OH MY GOD WERE GONNA BE IN NEW YORK CITY" Jellybean yelled and I smile

"What you doing for your birthday" Faith asked "Probably nothing" I said "You have to do something Forsythe you're 24 years old now" Faith said "You know I hate birthdays" I said before sitting up "Jughead that was so last year" JB said "Its so this year as well" I said

"You have to do something Jug" Faith said "I'm not in the mood for celebrating right now I just wanna stay in my room and write" I said "And than go out to eat with my three favorite women" I said making my sisters giggle "You're making me bwush" Liv said making me laugh

"I'm sorry I'm not gonna be there for your birthdays I promise I'll make it up to you guys for Christmas" I said "Jughead you have nothing to be sorry for you already send money every month so we can eat and have a home" Faith said "Yeah Juggie we get it" Jellybean said and I sigh

"I promise you girls next year will be different I'll have my book published and for the release party you girls will be rocking Veronica Lodges new look" I said "I cant believe you actually know Ronnie's shes so cool" Jellybean said "Shes alright" I said making the girls laugh

"I could ask Veronica if I could get three VIP tickets for her winter fashion show" I said "REALLY" Jellybean asked "I mean if only you pass all your classes" I said "DEAL" Jellybean yelled making me laugh 

"Alright girls say bye to Juggie we gotta get to school" Faith said "Aww" the girls groaned "Bye Juggie" JB and Liv sighed "Bye girls call me when you get home I love you" I said I hear them both say LOVE YOU "Happy Birthday Juggie" Faith said "Thank you again" I said

"Try to have fun today" Faith said "I'll try" I said and she giggled "Have a good day at school" I said "I'll try" she said than she hung up I sigh before I get up and get dressed before I walk out the room I grab my beanie and put it on my head

I walked into the kitchen to see everyone eating "Morning Jughead" Betty said before putting her bowl in the sink "Morning" I said before going to the fridge and opening it "Who ate my pancake mix!" I yelled before looking to see Veronica,Sweetpea,Reggie, and Archie eating pancakes 

"I don't know man" Reggie said with a mouthful of pancakes "STOP EATING MY SHIT" I yelled "Put your name on it" Sweetpea said than I grab a sticky note that was on the floor and show it to them it said JUGHEADS DO NOT TOUCH I MEAN YOU SWEETPEA,ARCHIE, AND REGGIE 

"In our defense we didn't touch the mix we just ate the pancakes" Archie said making me roll my eyes this was the worse start to my birthday "Jughead it should be some more pancake mix in there" Cheryl said "Nah I used that all" Archie said "FOR WHAT" I yelled

"Nosey" he mumbled before going to the sink I groaned "Jughead its more food in there" Cheryl said making me open the fridge to reveal it barely had shit in there "We really need to go shopping" Kevin said and Toni nodded "Eat cereal" Betty said and I nodded before grabbing a bowl and cereal than grab the milk and pour it in there to turn out it was only a DROP of milk making me slam the jug on the table 

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