chapter 3

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Of course it starts raining as I step out of the train. It didn't even say on the weather app it would. I hurry through the rain with my suitcase into the station.

There are so many people here, and the good thing is I don't recognise any of them.

I manage to get myself a taxi after standing in the rain getting completely soaked. The driver tells me the rain means it's going to be wonderful weather this summer and I nod in agreement, manifesting that's true. She tries to make conversation but we both make it awkward and end up staying quiet. I'm sure she's a nice lady, I'm just not used to talking to actual strangers. I should definitely work on that.

"A lot of tourists in town this summer like always, what brings you here?" she asks and meets my eyes in the rear view window.

"Just to spend my summer somewhere to be honest, and I've never been here before", I answer. The windows are covered with raindrops, I barely see what's outside.

"How nice, well we're here now", she says as we drive into a driveway.

"Want me to help you with your baggage?"

I politely say no and open the door. The rain gets me soaked again when I leave the car with my suitcase and bags.

My hair gets in my face, I almost can't see where I'm going. I run towards what looks like the entrance and get inside. The warm dry air falls over me while I reach for my phone in my bag. I realise my clothes are dripping water all over the floor. I get my phone out and walk over to the reception.

"Hello and welcome, how may I help you?" the man behind the counter says.

"Hi, I've booked a room under the name Deleon? Here", I smile and show him my registration on my phone. I'm not sure if he even sees what's on the screen because of the water but he starts typing on the computer.

I put my hands on the counter, then remembering I'm still soaked with water.

"So sorry, I am really wet", I groan and put my hands down. That sounded weird.

"Rosalie Deleon?" he asks. I nod and he goes back to the computer again. Is it supposed to take this long?

"I'm sorry but we don't have a room for you, you booked through the rush hour and we have unfortunately not made sure your registration got through", he then says. This better be some kind of joke. Maybe I'm being filmed like in those TV shows that pull pranks on people.

"Haha, funny. Could I get my key now?" I fake a laugh. His eyebrows draws together and I'm starting to believe what he said is true.

"You're not serious", I say, looking around for hidden cameras.

"Ma'am, I deeply apologise but all the rooms are booked. Either you find some other place to stay and we will give you a refund, or we can get you to stay in a room with someone for half the price."

I stare at him and rethink my life choices. I don't even know anyone here, how can I be safe staying at a hotel with a stranger?

"What about beds? Surely the other person wants their bed to sleep on", I exclaim.

"Well, the room you can stay at has actually two bedrooms. Only one person is staying there so I think it will be fine", he looks closely on the computer.

Why would a person book two bedrooms when you only need one? Wasted money to be fair.

"I'm staying."

Maybe the person is old and didn't realise they had booked one more bedroom.

"Alright. Here's your keycard, which is the spare key because the other person has the main one, and a paper with food place recommendations around. You will be staying on the 6th floor in room 103", he smiles and hands me the things.

I fake a smile to hide my disappointment but atleast I have my own bedroom. I grab my suitcase to the elevator.

"Can't believe this happens first time I'm out of town", I mutter under my breath.

The carpeted floor leaves water stain footsteps after me and my hair is still dripping. I shiver in the elevator, just realising how cold I am. The door opens on my floor and I walk out. The hallway is long and spacious, I walk fast past the doors until I see my room number. 103. I open the door with my keycard and walk into the two bedroom hotel room.

It's dark and silent, the person staying here is either sleeping or out. I check the clock on my phone, 8 pm it says. That's a bit early in the summer. I leave my jacket and shoes by the doorway before I walk into the living room. This looks like a whole apartment. As I enter I see the huge window and the balcony, an old fashioned kitchen made out of tree, another hallway but with three doors. Must be the two bedrooms and the one bathroom. I walk through the kitchen and notice a note.

"Will be out for the night, A276." I read out loud. Why does that sound familiar?

I walk over to the other hallway with the doors facing each other and knock gently on them. No sound. I guess I'm alone for now. I walk into the bathroom in the middle, it's impressively tidy and looks like no one has used it. Just to be sure, I look into both of the bedrooms. Both of them are big with a king sized bed. I notice the black suitcase by the closet, I guess this is the bedroom the other person is sleeping in. I bring my suitcase and bags into the bathroom to get them dry. The bathroom floor is comfortingly warm. Knowing I'm alone, I decide to take a shower.

After having a refreshing shower, I fold my clothes into my closet. I've heard hotels usually don't have closets. This must be some expensive room, luckily I only have to pay half the price and even getting a refund. I think.

I lay down in my bed that looks and feels like a cloud. My phone is charged up already, I pick it up and call Inez.

"Rosie! I was wondering when you were gonna call, almost thought you had been kidnapped or something", she says before I get to speak.

"Haha no, I'm fine. You won't believe this though..", I explain the whole situation.

"You're sharing room with a stranger? You couldn't be more safer than that on your first time out of town?" she laughs. I tell her it's probably an old person and I'll be okay.

"I'm going to sleep now, call me tomorrow morning so I'm sure you're safe", she says.

We say goodnight and I decide to go to sleep too. It's already 10 pm anyway, and I need my sleep if I'm gonna explore this town tomorrow. I fall asleep quickly to the sound of the waves outside.

Hours pass, and I suddenly wake up to the sound of the front door open.

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