chapter 4

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I immediately jump up from the bed from the sound. I heard the key turn in the door down the hallway, it's like- I quickly check the clock, it's 2 am. Could this be an intruder? It said on the note they would be gone for the night.

Panic creeps into my mind, my breath starts to get uneven as I walk to my door. The adrenaline gets me and I run to the kitchen. That definitely made a sound.

Looking for something to defend myself with, the first thing I see is a frying pan and I hurriedly take it. It's atleast hard enough to knock someone out.

"Who's there?" I whisper into the silence. The darkness makes this even more creepy.

The hallway doesnt have any light on.

I peek my head from the kitchen into the hallway, seeing nothing but darkness. I can feel my heart pounding through my skin.

The silence continues, where the hell did they go? I should've called the police at first, this is literally how people get killed or kidnapped.

Knowing I could be stabbed in the back any moment now makes me wanna run out the door and just leave the hotel. But I can't, what if the person is just standing in the hallway in the dark right now?

I go infront of the dark hallway, seeing no one again. I hold the frying pan infront of me as I walk backwards and I suddenly bump into something. I scream and instantly hit it fast multiple times with the pan.

"What the fuck!" a loud manly voice yells, and I take a few steps back with the frying pan still infront of me. He stumbles a little, I quickly take his keycard just for the security of it.

The hallway lights turn on and I realise it's automatic lighting. I look at the man infront of me with confusion. He's tall, well dressed and maybe a little too well dressed, hair that looks too perfect in this humidity, and a face that would be perfect if it didn't look really annoyed right now. He also looks exactly my age. Who is this man?

"Who are you?" is what I manage to get out of my mouth. He rubs his chest and his arms where I had hit him as he steps forward. I point the frying pan more and sneak forward.

"William, William Claude. Could you please put down your frying pan? You already hit me", he says.

"Who are you?", I ask and drop my hands down.

"Can't believe this.." he says something under his breath but I don't get to hear it. His green eyes looks at me again.

"You're not an intruder or something, right?"

"What do you think?" he rolls his eyes.

I point the pan to him as if I could even beat him in a fight.

"This is my hotel room, Rapunzel", he sighs.

"That's not my name- Oh", I cross my arms then feel my frying pan.

"You're lovely, this is lovely but it's 2 am and I was thinking to have a peaceful night", he says sarcastically. If he was thinking to have a such peaceful night he shouldn't have creeped around like that.

"Where did you get this keycard?" I hold it up.

"The reception downstairs, could I get it back?"

I look into his green eyes, I know I've seen this man before. He looks like some sort of model but I can't put my mind to it.

"We'll see," I shrug. "I'm going to bed."

"Don't lose it", he says and looks at my hand.

I walk with the frying pan still in my hands past him and into my bedroom. Rapunzel was pretty smart for this. When I get back into my bed, I remember his face again and it bothers me in a way I can't explain. Why does he seem so familiar?

I try to remember where I've seen those exact eyes but my mind must be too tired to think right now. I just had one look in a dark room, I'm sure I'm just confusing myself.

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