My Miracle

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~Stella pov~

When I regained consciousness I felt a tube going across my face. I tried to open my eyes but the place I was in was too bright. “K-kelly?” I ask, my throat buried from trying to talk. My eyes finally get used to my surroundings “where?, where am i?” I tried to move but pain shot through my side, I scrunch my nose together and slid back to how I was.

“Stella, oh my gosh. Hey hey don't try to move. Let me go get the doctor.” he said, it sounded like he had been crying, but before i could ask something else he left to get the doctor. I was trying to remember what happened, and how I ended up in the hospital.

“Hey Stella, how are you feeling?” Dr. Manning asked as she walked in, she was holding a clipboard in her hands. I looked up at her, Kelly was walking in behind her. He came back to his spot that he was in before he lifted.

“Sore, how are my babies?” I ask, she nodes and flips the paper on her clipboard and writes something down. Kelly grabs my hand and kisses it. He still had tears in his eyes.

“Well Stella, that is to be expected. Now as for you babies. They are doing okay, but because of the car accident, you were put into an early labor, because you are awake right now I need to ask if you feel strong enough to give birth naturally or if you want to get a c-section.” she told me, and put down the clipboard.

“Is that why my side feels like it is getting stabbed?” she nodded, i looked at kelly. “I feel too weak really to do anything right now” I tell them.

“Okay then, i will order the c-section i'll come and get you when we're ready” she wrote something and left us in the room.

“Kelly, why are you crying?” I ask, and turn my head over to him. He wipes his tears like they were never there. He sighs and kisses my forehead. I gave him a small smile.

“I was scared, we've been in this spot many times within this year, i just didn't know if we were going to come out of it together this time. I can't lose you Stella, you're my miracle.” tears were streaming down his face now, I reached my hand to his cheek.

“Remember what I told you back in that fire? I told you that I would never leave you, and I say true to my promises' 'I say, and look at my crying husband. “We're going to meet our girls in a few minutes. Can you believe that?” I smile, he laughs and shakes his head, And kisses me.

“I love you, Stella Severide,” he told me, resting his head on mine.

“I love you too, Kelly Severide”

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

I was on the table, there was a blue sheet blocking me from seeing what they are doing to my body, Kelly is in cap and gown next to my head. I was hearing what they were saying, Kelly was telling me that everything is going to be okay.

“Im scared” i say, kelly looks down at me, he brushes the hair that was escaping my hair net out of my face.

“You don't have to be” he said and smiled at me, he still had the tear stains on his cheeks. I close my eyes and wait, I silently send a prayer to god telling him to keep my babies safe and healthy.

My eyes shot open when I heard the cry of my first baby, I started crying right there “Kelly, oh my gosh, she's here” I said, sobbing. He was sobbing as well but he had a smile on his face. One of the nurses came over the screen and put her on my chest, as they got my other baby.

“Kelly, She has your hair "I smiled and looked at her dark hair that was on her tiny head. Her tiny hands curl up to her tiny body. As I watch her, I hear the next cry of my baby. I continue to cry. They put her on the other side of me, this baby had some curls on her little head.

“There here, my miracles” Kelly said and kissed me. We watched the girls as they closed me up. The girl with the curly hair reached her hand out and found the other girl's hand and they smiled together when they found each other.

~Kelly pov~

I was walking to the lobby, because they were moving Stella and the Girls to a room. When I saw the whole house of 51 in there. Chief gets up from his chair and walks over to me. I smile so big.

“I'm a father!” i say, everyone yells and gets up and hugs me, chief hugs me.

“Congrats kelly.” he said and let go of me. I always felt like he was more of a father figure to me than a chief. I smiled at him. Then everybody was congratulating us and everything.

“When can we see them? I want to see my nieces” Brett said with an excited smile on her face and clapping her hands.  I laughed. Matt was next to her. He smiled as well.

“We can see them as soon as the doctor comes and gets us,” I say. Matt came over to me, and hugged me. I hugged him back.

“Being a father is a good look on you” he smiles. I laugh, and hug him again.

We were all talking and then Dr. Manning came into the lobby, “you guys can go see Stella now” she smiles, and leads me and the house to her room.

~Stella pov~

I hear a knock on the sliding door, i look up from the two babies that were in my arms, and see that kelly and the hold house is out there waiting,

“Hey guys, look we got some visitors” I smile and kelly walks over to me, i give him one of the girls.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” Chief asks, i look at him.

“Sore, but really really happy” I smile. He smiles and nodes. “Are you guys ready to meet the next additions to house 51?” I asked and everyone shouted yes. I smile and look at Kelly, he smiles and looks down at the baby girl in his arms, he is holding the baby with curly hair.

“Guys meet Shay Wallace Severide,” Kelly said, and teared up and looked up at chief. He was smiling and tearing up. They smiled, they knew that he was going to name one of his children after his best friend, but what surprised them was her middle name.

“And this is Talia Eizabeth Severide” I said, and looked up at my family.

“I am honored that you name her after me,” Chief said. Kelly walked over to him, he gave Shay to him. “Shay would also be honored as well Kelly'' he said and looked down at the baby in his arms.

“Can I hold Talia?” Brett asks and comes over to me. I nodded and I gently gave her my baby.

“Stella, there prefect” she smiles and looks at the baby.

I smile so big, “i love you guys” i say, and cry a little bit.

“We love you too” they say, and we continue to talk and pass the babies around to everyone.

Hey! Good morning/afternoon/or night! I wrote this last night and I couldn't wait to post it for you, I had this idea when I first began the book so I'm super excited to finally be able to write it! Also I think im going to start writing the Brettsey book now, and if I get some inspiration for this book then I'll write this one. But I do have an idea for a later chapter lol if you guys have any ideas for me please comment! Thank you for reading!!

My Miracle || Stellride Where stories live. Discover now