Unexpected Ally

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As the silhouette emerged from the shadows, Aluna's heart raced with a mix of fear and anxiousness. The figure stepped closer, revealing a tall, imposing High siren with piercing eyes and an aura of authority. It was clear that this woman held immense power within the confines of the room, Aluna's body tensed as the High Siren's gaze bore into her, her eyes scanning every inch of Aluna's being with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. The air grew heavy with an undeniable presence, and Aluna could sense the weight of the High Siren's power and authority.

with an ethereal voice that commanded both respect and trepidation, the High Siren spoke, her words resonating through the chamber. "Intruder...prepare for your death"

with a slow and steady footstep, the High Siren walked toward the trapped Aluna drawing out a crimson blade with neon pulsing lines running throughout the body from a yellow portal about the size of a tennis ball. The blade glowed with otherworldly energy, pulsating with ominous power. ready to take the life of the filthy pest that dared intrude into this sacred room.

Aluna's heart raced as she watched the High Siren approach

Aluna's heart raced as she watched the High Siren approach, thrashing harder against the energy net that still held her captive. Fear and uncertainty consumed her as she struggled to break free, her muscles straining against the restraining force. With each desperate attempt, the energy net seemed to tighten, restricting her movements even further. Aluna's breath quickened as she realized that her efforts were in vain. The High Siren paused, her crimson blade still in hand, and observed Aluna's futile struggle with a mixture of amusement and pleasure. A chilling smile crept across her face, revealing a glint of satisfaction in her eyes as if feeling pleasure from the ragged and hazardous sight of the intruder in front of her. To the dismay of Aluna, the High Siren soon grew bored of the sight and decided that it was time to finish what she started.

"pray we never meet again in the past, present, or future" The High siren coldly said, while looking down on Aluna.

Slowly, the High Siren raised her blade raising high into the air as if prepping a gullintine ready to take its first life of the day, But just as the blade reached its peak, a sudden gust of wind filled the chamber, swirling around the High Siren and Aluna. The wind seemed to carry an unseen force, pushing against the impending strike.

Startled, the High Siren faltered for a moment, a mistake the 3rd party capitalized on and a figure rushed out from the shadows with such unimaginable speed that Aluna could not even react let alone see it and before Aluna knew it, the head of the High siren was sent flying high into the sky spinning uncontrollably spurting yellow liquid out of its neck hole painting the room and the pulsating creature itself yellow. Just before the head hit the floor, Aluna made eye contact with the head which carried a smug expression. The head hit the floor with a thump before rolling around and coming to a stop a small distance away from its body all the while oozing yellow liquid from its neck hole leaving a trail of yellow liquid. Meanwhile, the body of the High Siren which was now decapitated sprayed yellow liquid into the air like a broken fountain, creating a rain-like effect and painting the now yellow room even more yellow. With a thump, the decapitated body fell onto its knee before it knew also gave away causing the body to hit the ground with a splat that oozed yellow liquid causing a pool of yellow liquid to form near its neck hole.

The sight of the once mighty High Siren now decapacitated sent a wave of mixed emotions through Aluna. The power and authority that had emanated from the High Siren moments ago seemed to dissipate, leaving behind a surreal sight. Suddenly, as she was burning the image into her mind, the energy net that had once ensnared Aluna was cut open. The strands dissolved into nothingness, freeing her completely. Aluna slowly stood up, her exhausted limbs protesting with each movement. She ignored the aches and pains and persisted through, her body completely relaxed as if accepting whatever coming, mission was long forgotten, closing her eyes.

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