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▪ Rebecca's Diary︎ ▪︎

It was a cloudy day, Adya was sleeping in her room when she heard someone unlocking the door, it was the teacher, she brought along another student turns out she was their senior who changed her room due to some issues. Adya introduced herself, "heyy I'm Adya".

"Yaa, yaa, I'm Nidhi" She replied in a rude tone.

Adya helped Nidhi arranging her belongings and finally when they were over Nidhi asked Adya
"Are you always this nice to everyone?"

Adya said "No no I just love to help people"

"Well then I guess you're gonna have some trouble getting along with me, because i am the exact opposite you are." Nidhi said.

Adya while laughing "Ohh don't worry about that, I am sure we're going to be best friends."

"Over confidence huh?? Okayy let's see." Nidhi said.

After that Adya goes to kitchen to make something good for their new roommate, she made aloo parathas and served it with a bowl of  raita.
This type of warm welcome melted a hard as metal heart of Nidhi, In her whole lifetime she never experienced this kind of love, She lost her mother when she was 6 and her dad always used to drink and one day he passed away to. So from the childhood Nidhi became this heartless and emotionless but now time has changed, Adya came into her life and changed it.

Nidhi: "What? This is for mee??....heyy Adya is this for me??"

Adya: "Yeah ofcourse silly."

Nidhi gazed at Adya, her eyes were sparkling.

Adya:" Is it not good?? Why are you not eating?"

Nidhi flinched "No no its delicious, actually you made me remind me of my mom, she used to make aloo parathas for me just like you did today, Thankyouu."

"See I told ya that we're gonna be best friends" Adya said with a gentle smile.

Nidhi nodded and whispered to herself, "well, you were right back then"

While eating Adya, Sanjana and Nidhi were gossiping suddenly Adya came with a question, "So why did you change your room?"

Sanjana in disgust "I bet that room smelled like fish too yuckk."

Nidhi was silent for 10-15 seconds and then she said "Th-The mansion.."

Adya was in utter shock she said "What about it?? WHAT ABOUT IT DI TELL US!!!!"

Nidhi in a low voice "Actually my rooms window is very close to a window of that Mansion, so ever night around 3am I used to heard someone banging at something and crying for help, one day I decided to go to that room before 3am. I jumped from my rooms window to that mansion's window, a chill ran down my spine as the wooden floor creaked on which I stepped on, I saw that room was filled with drawings and they were kind of weird and more surprisingly there was a piano which looked brand new, like someone have just polished it, it was really weird but still I waited there till the clock hit 3am, the banging and crying sound started, I started looking for who is crying, looked everywhere but no one was there to be seen, even the sound was also came from all directions which made me confused. I shouted in frustration "Who tf is crying huhh?? I don't give a f*ck if you are a ghost I am not scared of you, what do you want??? A lollipop?? IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE CRYING FOR EVERY DAMN NIGHT, RUINING MY PRECIOUS SLEEP?? Well then I'll get it for yo---" I got interrupted by someone, No it was no human, it was only a voice it was a Man's voice, it said "Who are you? What are you doing here? Do you came here to save her? You are going to take her away from me? Never NEVERRRR." Before I could run for my life I noticed a chandelier falling right above my head, somehow I dodged it but I hurted my leg still I got up and started running while running I heard a girl crying and saying "Please tell them to come, that boy and girl are only one who can liberate my soul pleaseee" and an cruel laugh of an evil spirit. After that day I decided to change the college but instead I changed rooms and thought to live with other students.

"Only that boy and that girl?(Adya interrupted.) I wonder what did she meant by that or who could that be? And why did she told this to you? Aghhh I am going out to have some fresh air."

She left.

She rushed towards the boy's hostel which was right opposite from girl's hostel, she sneaked in Dev's room without anyone noticing. When she entered his room he saw him painting, she tip toed and came close to see what was that but before she could see Dev turned and blocked the painting he said "Did you teleported, how did you entered my room?"

"I came here to tell you something very important but now umm I want to see what you were painting, Are you an artist? You didn't told me before" Adya said.

Dev's heart was pounding, he was actually painting a portrait of Adya to give her on her birthday and he didn't wanted her to see that now.

Dev said, "So, what is that important thing you want to tell me so badly that you sneaked into my room?"

"Okay have a seat first and listen to me carefully, It's about that Mansion, I got to know something about it, Actually I met a girl Nidhi an incident happened with her in the Mansion, her room is close to the window of that Mansion so she used to hear a banging and crying sound from there and one day she decided to go to that Mansion at night to see what's happening there...(she explained the whole incident to Dev) and at last she heard a girl saying only that boy and girl can save her from that evil spirit, What do you think? Could it be us? I mean only we could see her and almost each and every incident happened with us only."

"So what are you trying to say?" Dev asked in a gloomy voice.

Adya said,"We should go to that Mansion, and dig out the past of it to free the soul of that girl."

"Adya have you gone mad or what? We are never going to that Mansion" Dev shouted in anger.

Adya shouted back at him saying "Well if you're not going with me then i am going alone today, bye."

Dev shouted and tried his best to stop her but she didn't listened to him she came to her room and started preparing herself for the night.

At 02:17am.

"Adya, sweetheart listen to me please, please don't go to that Mansion, maybe she meant another girl not you, please don't go there." Nidhi said this to Adya.

"No di, I have to go there, she needs me di, God knows how many years she waited for someone to come and free her from that evil spirit, I don't know why but I feel like I am emotionally connected to her and even if I have to die I will, to free her soul." Adya said while packing her bag.

When she opened the door of her room she was surprised to see Dev standing there waiting for her,
he said "So you really thought that I will let my scaredy cat go there alone? Nahh never, hold my hand and don't leave it even if I say you to do so, understand?."

Adya nodded and held his hand.

After that they sneaked out from the college and the ran towards the mansion, when they reached there they saw that it was locked and the only way to go inside was the window, the window from where the sound comes from every night, they decided to climb up, at first Dev got up there and then he pulled Adya. When they looked around they saw creepy paintings a shelf full of books and brand new piano just as Nidhi said, it was 02:29am. Dev was looking around the room and accidentally he bumped his head on something and a book fell on the ground, no it was not a book it was a diary of the year 1992.

Dev instructed Adya to open that diary.

Adya nodded and opened it, "Rebecca's diary?." she whispered to herself.

As soon as she took this name the house started shaking and it seemed like a storm in that house Dev covered Adya...

So what do you think does this diary holds the past of this Mansion??
Is Rebecca the one who's soul is still not getting peace?
And why Dev and Adya were the only one who can free her soul?
To know all these questions stay tuned for chapter 4
And if you guys enjoying this story then let me know in the comments it will encourage me more to write this story love yaaa and take care of yourselves.❤️

THE HAUNTED MANSION.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon