Chapter 5

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Your pov
After finding out the news I locked myself in my room, distanced from everyone. I felt as if the joy I used to feel turned into an aching pain that slowly ate away at my brain leaving me to rot. I felt so scared and tired. I felt the anger building up inside me, the urge to scream, the urge to kill someone or myself. I couldn't stop feeling guilty, just maybe I could've stopped him and he could've lived longer.

Euroman pov
"Y/n, you there?" I said slowly opening her door.
She didn't reply, just took a quick glance.
"Hey look, I know you're sad about his death, but sitting here won't help."
"Please, just go." She said barely above a whisper. I just sighed and sat next to her. I've never felt like this before, but I felt I needed to be nicer to her, to protect her.
"If you want to talk, you can talk to me. I know it's hard but we need do whats best for us."
"Us? It's not like you even care he's gone. You cared more about your stupid image than you did for him"
After saying that she just stood up and left. She always does that.

Okay so I know all my chapters are hella short. Like I mean I start to write then dont know what to write but want to publish a chapter but it becomes real short:")

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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