Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter 17

Mike's words kept repeating themselves in my head like a broken record. A part of me deep down always knew that Jacob never belonged to me, yet I always clung to the fact that he treated me like a big brother is supposed to. Not to mention the whole Guardian Angel thing.

"What are you talking about?" I finally spoke. I sat up and stared at the two people I trusted most with my life. Here I thought they loved me, and now they're telling me that my whole life has been a lie? What else was new?

"As I showed you before, I was a Guardian Angel. I was banished from the heavens until I can fulfill my duty here on earth. I've been given many jobs to do, and each one I always failed at because I made the same mistake. One I've made with you as well." Mike said softly. I stared deep into his eyes and seen so much hurt, and betrayal. His eyes began to change from its beautiful gold hazel brown to a darker color. He closed his eyes and looked away from me.

"What is that?" I asked softly as I dreaded his answer. In my head, I knew the answer, but my heart just wouldn't believe it.

"I fell deeply in love, but with you it's different. It's like you have some type of power over me, that I can't break free of. I let my emotions get in the way of all the others, and each time I could never notice the dangers that it brought upon until it was too late." He spoke, still not looking at me.

The distant memories we shared only moths ago seemed like they happened a lifetime ago. Everything I once knew and long is beginning to turn out as a complete lie, to cover up only God knows what.

"So you're telling me, I'm in danger?" I questioned as I dismissed everything else he said. Sure he loved others before me, he's freaking ancient for crying out loud.

"Lilly listen; there's more to it than you think." Jacob finally spoke. I quickly looked over in his direction and he seemed different to me; like he was a complete stranger to me. Where was the guy I loved and called my brother? Where was the guy who was supposed to protect me forever? "I don't know how to tell you, but I'm just going to have to say it straight." He took a deep breath before he continued.

"Biologically I'm not related you to. You were just someone I was supposed to look over and protect until you've found your true potential and was able to handle things on your own. Like Mike, I too am a Guardian Angel, except I'm more powerful than he is because he's been here longer than I have. The reasons we've both been sent to you, was because your real parents were killed in a terrible house fire.

"You were only about two when it happened. Mike tried saving your parents while I saved you, but things went out of control. What seemed like an accident was actually done on purpose. There was a former Angel who wanted revenge against your parents for getting them banished to Earth for all eternity. We got your parents out but they died in the hospital that night. You, on the other hand, came out untouched.

"I placed you with a family I thought was good enough to keep you, but I soon found out they weren't good people at all. I couldn't take you out without raising suspicions so I had them 'adopt' me as well, and that's how I kept watching over you. Dad is a demon himself, he thought I didn't know but I always knew. It wasn't until your thirteenth birthday that he started getting suspicious of us. Well mostly me, because I stuck close by you more and more. I knew it was only a matter of time until you've found your true self, and he didn't want that to happen. They kept you at Nathaniel Wells because they could keep a close eye on you, but at Lakehurst, you would've been surrounded by people like us, and they wouldn't be able to get to you."

At this point, my head was spinning and my thoughts were out of control. I could feel myself going into a mental freeze as I fought the urge to submit to its familiar nothingness. "Lilly you have to stay with me." Jacob said in a fearful tone. 

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