Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11

A bright light was shoved in my face and pierced my eyes. I tried throwing my hand up to shield my eyes from the light, but it was somehow tied down. I tried moving my other hand but it too was tied down. I tried moving other parts of my body but that was unsuccessful. I closed my eyes against the light but it was too bright.

I then felt a prickly feeling on my lower abdomen, the same feeling I felt in the woods. I opened my eyes to look at what was happening. What I saw freaked me out, the cut had started forming a 'T'. It stretched from the left side to the right then began splitting from my navel down. It wasn't a pretty sight at all. It looked like something from a horror movie. As I drew in a quick breath at the sight I saw the wound open just a bit. There was no blood gushing through the wound and nothing aced. It was just a dull prickly feeling like I was being tickled by a feather, but my body was immune to it.

That prickly feeling was felt was increasing and this time it went even further down but stopped just before it went below my waistline. I drew my bottom lip between my teeth and bit down. I heard footsteps but said nothing.

Soon the heat radiating from their body was felt on my own. As they stood before me I kept my eyes closed. No words spoken, no sounds made, just stares. Then in a blink of an eye, there was a sharp pain that surged through my body like a speeding bullet, causing me to jolt forward and cry out in pain. It felt like my whole body was being ripped to shred from the inside out by their hands.

My eyes flew open & I found myself in a dark room breathing hard. Moments later there were footsteps coming towards the room. They sounded as if they were running, without another thought the door flew open and in rushed Jay and Mike.

"What happened?" Mike was the first to ask.

I was too confused to say anything, everything was happening so fast, I didn't have time to grasp it all. And now my mind was spinning too fast for me to focus on what was going on.

"Lil stop thinking about it, just tell us what caused you to scream." Jacob said slightly shaking me. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I was too afraid of what my voice would give away.

He was about to speak again before I placed my finger on his lip. They both stood there quietly waiting for my next move. I sat and listened to what was going on around me, everything seemed to be at its normal pace and it eased my worry just a little, but there was still something that wasn't sitting right with me. Mike walked over to the light and turned it on instantly burning my eyes. I quickly covered them with my hands and balled myself up. Remembering all too clearly the horrible nightmare I just woke up from.

"Turn off the lights!" Jacob yelled. Mike quickly switched them off and came back over to me. "Lil you have to tell me what's wrong. Are you okay?" He asked more worried than I've ever seen him. I simply shook my head, closed my eyes and lifted my shirt up. I didn't have to look at their faces to know what they saw wasn't a pretty sight. I've seen it myself. I just wished it was all in my dreams and not real, but somehow I knew that what I felt happening to my stomach was real.

"Was that the reason you screamed?" Mike asked afraid of my answer. I laid back down and shook my head 'no'. No words were spoken and I didn't open my eyes to see the horror that plagued their pretty faces. "Where did you say you found her?" Mike asked as he took a cautious step towards me.

"In the woods near the other house. From what I saw it seemed she was walking around someplace else before she ended up in the woods." Jacob spoke.

"How long has she been sleepwalking?"

"Since she was about 12 when my dad tried to rape her." Jacob spoke softly. The mentioning of my dad sent images flying through my head. Each image was just as brutal as the last, each showing his gruesome face, stricken with anger, hatred, and deceit. One image shook me to my core burning fear deep within me. I watched as he went from all man to something outlandish and inhuman.

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