Chapter Four

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-Chapter 4-

"You're not going to win. I'm a beast at this game." I taunted Mike. We were playing Just Dance on the Wii. I continued to show off my dance moves as the music blasted from the speakers.

"I'm letting you win miss." He said not breaking his concentration.

"Yeah sure you are." I laughed. In the last few seconds of the game, I won with three fantastic's. "Like I said I win."

"Iight rematch and this time I'm not holding back." He said with a sly smile then winked.

"Okay mister big shot, you're on. I'll even let you choose the song this time." I offered. He searched through the different songs and finally choose one, Ne-Yo - Closer.

"Ready short stuff?" He teased.

"You're on sky scrapper." I teased back. Okay so maybe he wasn't that much taller than me but still, he kept calling me short.

The song started and then the game began. As the song continued to pump through the air, we were neck and neck. Maybe he was holding back, I thought. We continued and it was a close call towards the end. He was up by 100, but then by some miracle, I gained a few perfects and won the game.

"Oh yes, I'm a beast! I win! Again." I yelled in excitement and started doing my victory dance. "Now say I'm the best and you'll never win against me." I said as I walked over to him and folded my arms across my chest. We stood there and stared at each other before he finally spoke.

"Or how about this." Before I had a chance to register what he said, he pulled me close to him and crushed his lips to mine. Just as I imagined, his lips were soft and the kiss was fantastic! It felt like my lips were resting on two soft clouds. It's a good thing he was holding me because I might have fallen flat on my face the way my knees buckled under me. Don't let go. I thought. When he pulled away, he smiled that sinister smile at me and licked his lips.

"You're the best and I'll never win against you." Then he kissed my lips once more, winked at me then walk out the room. I stood there with a wide grin on my face as I watched him walk out of the room. 

"Woooow." I said to myself minutes after he left. That was so unexpected but yet lovely. I think I'll really have fun living here for a while.

Speaking of. "Jay!" I yelled through the house. "Jacob where are you?" I said a little quieter. I walked upstairs and went down the hall to Jay's room. As I got closer I heard voices coming from his room. His door was open a little so I just walked in. He and a girl were tonguing each other down on his bed. I walked back out and closed the door quietly then knocked.

"Who is it?" He asked seconds later.

"Jay it's me." I said playing it off.

"Come in Lil." He said opening the door.

I walked in with a smile on my face and waved to the female that was sitting on the bed. "Hi" I said.

"Hi." She replied.

"Lil this is Veronica, V this is my little sister Lilly." He introduced.

"So this is Lilly." She said as her smile widen. "Your brother talks about you all the time. He really loves you."

I blushed a little. "He's always talking about somebody. Give me a break Jay." I said playfully. "But I wish I could say the same for you." I countered with a slight raise of my eyebrow.

"So what's up Lil?" He asked.

"Oh right almost forgot... Uh..." I looked over at Veronica then back at him.

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