Chapter 4: The Diamond Domain

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Through the snow and past the frozen wastes was the equally icy taiga. It was exactly as cold and white as the tundra Gus had just made it out of, but at least the trees he was seeing were a sign that he was getting close to the mountain Cammy had told him about. He held the Carbink tightly, half for the warmth she provided, and half to comfort her as she slept and regained her strength. As the Gabite passed through a set of snowed-over trees, he found himself in the midst of a blizzard.

"Brrr... I didn't think the weather could get any worse..." he muttered, hoping that he and Cammy would make it out soon. Then Gus remembered something that might cheer him up a little. He tucked the Carbink under his left arm and used his right to pull out the two berries he had bought and saved for later. Unfortunately, when he tried to take a bite, he found out the hard way that they were frozen solid.

"Yeowch! These things are as hard as rocks! Guess I'm not having a snack, after all..." he said, putting the frozen berries away and bringing Cammy's mane back up to his face. With his friend in hand, Gus continued to trudge through the frigid taiga. He passed a tree that was home to a nest of Delibirds and their young, a cave housing a sniffling Cubchoo, and a pond that an Eiscue gleefully slid across on its belly. Yet, as he continued deeper into the icy forest, he found that he was noticing similar sights. Once again Gus found himself walking past the Delibird nest, and while he brushed it off as coincidence the first time it happened, he knew something was wrong by the second time.

"I feel like I'm going in circles..." he muttered, starting to grow worried as the cold took its toll on his body. He knew he couldn't stay in this blizzard for too much longer. While the Gabite was tempted to give up here, one look at Cammy's gemstones glittering in the snow told him that he had to keep going. That was when he heard the wailing. It was hardly audible, yet easily recognizable through the blizzard. The eerie moan called to Gus in a way he couldn't quite explain. It was like a siren's call, echoing into the snow in hopes of attracting a victim.

"I'm not sure what that is, but it can't be good," he said to himself as he waded through the snow. The cold ate at him, draining the Dragon-type of his strength and stamina, but he continued on for the sake of the Carbink he had come to care so much about. Before he could make it back around the loop, however, the Gabite tripped on something hidden by the thick layer of snow he was trudging through.

"Owie..." it said, revealing itself to be a Snorunt.

"Oof... Sorry about that, I didn't see you there, little guy," Gus responded, after regaining his balance.

"Do you have anything to eat? I'm hungry..." asked the Snorunt, staring up at the Gabite as it rubbed its tummy. Gus wasn't sure what to make of the sudden request, but he knew helping out would be the right thing to do.

"Are these any good? They're too cold for me to eat," he said, handing the frozen berries to the little Ice-type. The Snorunt hopped with glee at the sight, happily taking the rock-solid Oran Berries and munching on them like only an Ice-type could.

"Thank you, mister, that really hit the spot! C'mon, follow me and I'll take you to my momma," it said, beckoning for Gus to follow. Shrugging, the Gabite did as he was told and followed the Snorunt deeper into the blizzard.

Wherever the little guy was leading him, it seemed to be outside of the circle he had been trapped in. The Snorunt paved a path through the snow, seemingly forcing it to obey its will as it walked. Soon enough, Gus came upon what it had been leading him to: the source of the wailing he had heard. He had been so focused on following the little Ice-type that he had hardly noticed the moaning growing louder and louder.

"Momma, momma, I'm home!" cried the Snorunt, running up to a pale Froslass in the center of the blizzard. The moment she laid eyes upon him, the wailing ceased and she rushed over to scoop up her child.

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