Chapter Two - Sir May I?

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Mr. Phillips just walked in giving Anne a look of disgust. What was wrong with these people? "Everyone, take out your readers and turn to page 16." Everyone did so and Mr. Phillips asked Prissy to read. She read it in a simple manner and yet received a compliment from Mr. Phillips saying how splendid her reading was. He then asked Charlie to continue and he read exactly like Prissy but was told he needs practice.

Este was trying to comprehend what had happened when the teacher asked her to read. She read the poem as if she had written it with her own emotions. Gilbert was looking at her in awe the whole time with a slight smile. Billy nudged him and said, "I call dibs on her. Stay away Gilbert." Gilbert rolled his eyes.

Este was done reading. "That was good Ms. Taylor, but you can do better." Este sat down and glanced at Gilbert. "That was amazing." He whispered. Este smiled at him and Ruby shuffled in her seat. She looked like she was about to cry. "Ruby, are you not feeling well?" No response.

The class ended and it was finally lunch. Ruby literally sprinted away from her the moment the bell rang. Este approached Diana and asked, "Did I upset Ruby? I swear it wasn't intentional." Diana gave her a sympathetic smile and said "Ruby has fancied Gilbert for quite a while now. Seeing you two get along is what's upsetting her." Este finally understood what was bothering Ruby. She could imagine herself in her place and being upset about it too, but Este would never forbid the boy from befriending another girl.

"She seemed very dispirited when she saw me walk with Gilbert too." Said Anne. Este decided to try and keep the distance between her and Gilbert. At least when Ruby was around. She went to grab her bottle of milk and spotted Ruby sitting alone by the stream. Este whispered to her, "I know you have dibs, I just met him, and I'm sure he knows you way better than he knows me." She sat down next to her.

"But in all honesty, you can never call dibs on a person Ruby, their life is entirely their choice. If a guy wanted to be with you, he would. If Gilbert ever seems not interested in you, there's probably someone better than him. Not being in a courtship only shows how much you value your worth Ruby. It is not a bad thing." She finally saw Ruby smile.

"Maybe, but Gilbert hasn't said he's not interested in me." Said Ruby with a glint of hope in her eyes. "Thank you for your words, Este, they did make me feel better." She said with a wider smile. Este returned the smile and started walking back to class.

Diana and Anne seemed to have heard their conversation. As Este sat down opening her lunch Anne said, "Este! You apologized to Ruby without actually apologizing. You have a way with your words." "You don't get to compliment me about words Anne. Benevolent? Dispirited?" Este said with a chuckle.


It was history class now, which meant Mr. Phillips again. He explained a chapter and immediately started asking questions about it. Explained is a big word, he just read through the chapter. It was Este's turn to answer the questions. "Name any 4 states that existed once but are part of other states as of now." Este stood up and answered 2 names and couldn't think of more.

"Sir, May I?" Asked Gilbert. He answered with 4 states and an additional 2 states. Este rolled her eyes. Gilbert sat down and sent a smirk to Este, receiving a sarcastic smile in return. Another question was asked to Gilbert and he did not know the answer. Este was the one smirking now. Before Este could raise her hand, Ruby answered the question with the names of 4 states when the question wasn't even about states.

"I don't recall asking you to speak Ms. Gillies." Said Mr. Phillips visibly annoyed at the girl. "Sir, May I?" Asked Este in the same tone Gilbert had asked. Este answered the question flawlessly receiving whispers of compliments and smiles from Anne and Diana. Although, Gilbert did not have the look of annoyance that Este had when he answered her question. Gilbert looked at her and was silently clapping for her from his seat. Este only smiled and shook her head at that.

Just like that, with a few questions answered and a few awkward minutes of silence the class ended and it was time to go home.


Este's mother never really cared about the girls she talked to. Her mother was a nice person but the only issue was with her thinking girls are meant to grow up and be their best only for men. Look beautiful and pretty only for men. Do everything they can to impress men. Her mother never looked at a woman for who she is. She always saw the woman as the shadow of a man she was with.

This gave Este a benefit for once. Her mother allowed Este to go wherever she wanted as long as no boys were involved. The only condition was for her to reach home before sunset. Emmy had already advised Este to visit a friend's house to get well acquainted on the first day itself. So even if Este does not return home Emmy will know the reason.

"Back where I used to live my mother let me take singing lessons. But now, after school, I have nothing to do. I was wondering if I could visit your house today, Anne." Este didn't ask Diana because their families were close, she was sure they would be having dinners once a month in no time. "Oh! I would be delighted to invite you home!" Anne was visibly elated.

The three were wearing their hats and coats when Gilbert said, "It seems I have competition now." The three noticed Gilbert and knew he was talking about Este. "It seems you do." Said Este dusting off her coat. Both shared a smile while Diana and Anne shared knowing glances. "Hello, gorgeous." Said Billy in a suggestive tone. Este was annoyed and everyone could tell apart from stupid Billy. "Well, goodbye Gilbert, hope you have a nice day." She said ignoring Billy for the second time today.

Este ignoring Billy and giving her attention to Gilbert seemed to amuse him a lot. He waved Este goodbye and Billy too walked off annoyed. Gilbert already knew he would get along with Este well and he was looking forward to their friendship.


Este, Diana, and Anne were on their way home. "It's only the first day, you and Gilbert seem to get along well." Said Diana wiggling her brows. Este narrowed her eyes, "What are you suggesting Diana?" Before Diana could respond Anne said dramatically, "Oh! What a wonderful start to your romantic journey Este! I envy you!" Este rolled her eyes but laughed nonetheless.

As Diana said it was only the first day. Gilbert and her did get along well but she expected it to be blossoming into a beautiful friendship and nothing more. Anything more will upset Ruby after all. Diana was no longer with them. Anne and Este walked peacefully to Green Gables sharing pieces of their imaginations on their way.


This is all I've written so far. I wanna know what the response to the story is before I put more effort and time into it. So please comment and let me know how it is so far.

Please vote the story of you wish to.

Love, Val.

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