Chapter Four - Stupid Boy

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Este woke up on time the next morning. Got ready for school and went downstairs to have breakfast with her sister. "Mom! Este woke up! On-time! This calls for a celebration!" Screamed Emmy. Her mother only shook her head while Este rolled her eyes at Emmy's dramatics. "Oh, shut up, will you?" Emmy laughed and served the table. Este dug in instantly and left for school. The school was not a place where children would go willingly but Este did. Only for Anne and Diana.

And Gilbert?

Este knew there was no point in denying that she was developing a liking towards that boy. He was obviously attractive and he was smart as well so what was there to not like? Este shook her thoughts away thinking how stupid it was to be affected by a boy who she had known for only a day.

Stupid boy.

Este took her usual route to school but found that the path was blocked due to boxes being loaded into the cart. A man came up to her and said, "Sorry Miss, you will have to take the other way. This will take a while." The man gave her the directions of the other way which Este was sure she would forget but thanked the man anyway. She followed the directions she remembered until she did not. Este was lost. She had two ways ahead of her. Only one of which would be the right way. Este did the smartest thing that she could think of.

"Inky Pinky Ponky." She pointed at the paths alternatively as she chanted the song. "Father had a..." Until she was pointing to the right with Gilbert right in front of her. "...donkey" Este stopped singing. "What?" Gilbert was confused as to why Este was there and why she just called him a donkey. Este realized this and said, "Oh! I was lost so I was just trying to figure the right way." Este said embarrassed of herself.

Gilbert laughed. Even his laugh is attractive. Is there anything that is not attractive about him? Thought Este. "What are you doing here anyway? Don't you come from the other way?" Asked Gilbert. "That path was blocked today because they were loading some boxes so I had to take this one." Said Este. They walked together until she heard him say, "Well, I'm glad it was blocked." Said Gilbert looking right at her with his smile. Este only looked down trying to hide her tinted cheeks and smiled. Stupid boy.


Just like that they talked about their families on the walk to school. Gilbert told her how his father loved traveling and they had only come back from Alberta a few days back. Este told him how she missed her house in Edinburg but still had taken a liking to this small town. She told him she lived with her mother and sister and regretted saying that immediately. "What about your father?"

It hurt the same every time someone asked her that question. No matter how much time had passed and how much she had grown up and healed her wounds along the way. This was the one wound that would leave a scar forever. "He lost his life in the army 2 years back." Her face had no sign of emotion as she said that. She may not be shedding tears but her scar was bleeding.

Now Gilbert was the one regretting his words. "I am so deeply sorry Estella." Este smiled at him. "It's alright." Gilbert felt the need to share his father's situation with her as well but they reached school and parted ways as Este went to the stream while Gilbert went to class. Este was happy to have confided in someone. She was happy that the someone was Gilbert.

Este entered the class soon after Gilbert and was hanging her coat when she felt someone stand behind her. "I'm sorry if I upset you yesterday." It was Billy. Este was confused and furrowed her brows and said, "Okay." His friends chuckled behind him but stopped when Billy glared at them. "Okay. So can we call a truce?" Is this guy really doing this right now? God bless Anne and Diana because they saved the day as they approached me and practically scared Billy away.

"Did you really walk with Gilbert to school?" Asked Diana. "Yes, but wait... how did you know?" Este was confused. Anne smirked and said, "Moody saw you and told us." Este shook her head. Diana and Anne only gave her suggestive looks. "Stop giving me those looks." Said Este.

As soon as Billy knew that Gilbert had walked with Este he was glaring at Gilbert. If looks could kill Gilbert would be dead. Gilbert clenched his jaw and glared back. Whatever it was between them, Este did not want to be a part of it. Little did she know it was too late.


It was now math class and Anne was nervous as ever. Today Este sat with Anne and Diana sat with Ruby because it was obvious now that Ruby hated Este. Este had tried to tell her that she had no role to play in this but even Este was starting to get annoyed now.

Este focused on Anne and asked her random multiplication sums which they had practiced yesterday. She was answering them flawlessly with a huge grin. Estella felt like a proud mother. As usual, to ruin good times entered Mr. Phillips. "Take out your slates. We'll be doing multiplication sums today. Blythe, what's 16 times 4?" "64" Answered Gilbert. "You." He said pointing towards Anne. "What's 13 times 9?" "117" Answered Anne. Este was so proud. Mr. Phillips widened his eyes as if she had solved a complex equation. "That is right Ms. Cuthbert. Surprisingly."

Este wasn't afraid to send a glare his way. He narrowed his eyes at her. "Ms. Taylor. Let's ask you something. What is... 14 times 12?" "168" Este could do this all day. "16 times 13" "208" Answered Este again. "Very well. Copy down what I am writing students!" Ordered Mr. Phillips as Este sat down. After a dreadful 40 minutes, the class was over and it was lunch.

The lunch was quite informative today. Este found out that Prissy Andrews was seeing Mr. Phillips. Not to judge anyone's choices but Mr. Phillips? Really? Prissy was really pretty so I'm sure there would be a lot of guys wanting to be with but why did she...

Este thought it was best not to bother herself with someone else's business. But still. Why him?

Her thoughts were broken when Gilbert came and sat next to her. Este had just come to class after having lunch outside. There were very few students in the class. "What are you thinking about so deeply?" "Oh... that... it's nothing important." Gilbert did not inquire more. "You know my father; he is not really in the best condition. Physically. And when you told me about your father it terrified me to imagine myself in your place but it also made me realize how death is not always bad. I mean look at you and your sister. Even without him, you turned out to be the best version of yourself."

Este was surprised by his words. "Not without him, Gilbert. Because of him. I am sorry about your father. All I can say is spend what time you have left with him and don't go on and mourn your entire life after he's gone. My father was fond of traveling too. He would be ashamed of me if I sat in the corner of a room and mourned him. He'd want me to visit every dazzling place and celebrate the life he lived." Este was saying this now but she knew it takes time to get over death and she was scared for Gilbert.

"I'm really glad to have you, Estella." Gilbert smiled at her in a way that conveyed how much she meant to him. "It's Este."


Thank you so very much for reading. Let me know how the chapter was in the comments or feel free to message me. Vote if you wish to.

Love, Val.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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