3: Talking To The Moon

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Waking up in the middle of a pond was not exactly the way he'd been expecting to start his day. Though, he should've expected some grand gesture like this. The huntresses had kept him guessing over the last seven days he'd been traveling with them. While they couldn't harm him, they made sure to make up for that with passive cruelty.

He sat up on his wet mattress, glancing back at the land to see a few of the older huntresses snickering about, waiting to watch him fall in as he attempted to stand.

Instead, he willed the water to carry him towards the shore. The girls were forced to watch as their plan failed quite horribly when he simply stepped off of the mattress onto the solid ground.

"But you're not a son of Poseidon!" Phoebe growled in obvious discontent, her face contorting rather roughly as she forced a look of distaste onto her expression each time he was present.

"You do not know what I am." He replied. The truth? Neither did he. He knew he wasn't born apart of this pantheon, but he was now. The rest was a mystery. The explanation behind the powers he continued to find within himself, a story he had to uncover for himself. Though through meditation, looking within himself, he hoped to slowly be able to piece the puzzle together.

"You're a pig, that is what you are." She spat back, her hands itching as if waiting for him to make a move so she'd have a good reason to start a fight. Perseus wondered what it was like for her, could she sense his essence like Artemis could? Did she know she stood little to no chance?

"Could you give me a single example of what I've done that could be used to describe me as a pig?" He asked, causing the huntress to pause before glaring at him. "Your gender has already done enough, we know from experience that you males do not change. All of you bring nothing but destruction to our lives."

He could only glance at her regretfully. "I'm sorry you see the world that way."

He received another look of rage from the elder huntress as he walked away, in search of a place to sit while he ate breakfast.

"Good morning." He greeted a few of the younger huntresses, who along with Artemis and Zoë were making their breakfast, the younger ones being supervised by the older.

"Looks like you didn't get too wet, Perseus." The goddess greeted with a calm and neutral look, the only bit of emotion she provided was the decency to look intrigued as always about his existence. Sometimes it felt like the goddess was studying him.

He looked at her, his mouth slightly open. "You knew about that?"

His reaction coaxed a laugh out of the goddess. "And you believed I would've done something to stop it? You might have proven yourself more of a gentleman than the rest so far, but you have a long way to go if you wish for me to defend you against a harmless prank."

He frowned. "If that harmless prank includes being verbally harassed, than I wouldn't believe it to be so harmless."

The goddess tilted her head to the side. "I believe you mentioned something along the lines of, the comments would not bother you?"

His reaction was a shrug. "They do not hurt me, nor affect me, but I do try to surround myself with positivity, so it is a little...unpleasant."

"Noble, but rather impossible wouldn't you say?"

He shook his head. "It takes a team effort but it's more than possible. I can admit when I cannot do something alone."

Artemis's eyes continued to stay locked onto him. "I will attempt to join you in your quest for positivity, but I cannot guarantee my hunt will do the same."

Perseus OdinsonWhere stories live. Discover now