6: Come Friend Or Foe

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It had been a week since she had questioned Percy about his cold feelings towards Luke. In that time Luke seemed to avoid them, while she started to spend more and more time with the raven haired boy. They grew far too close in seven days than she wanted to admit.

Even so, after his accusations, Annabeth could not deter herself from following him.

Even if it was just to figure out who is godly parent really was, she kept her distance as he entered the forest, careful not to make herself known. He'd left the pavilion perhaps half an hour ago, but she knew he always trained for hours, and it was always under the cover of the forest greens.

As she explored the deep forest in search of him, she couldn't seem to find anything. Not even a trace of his footsteps. It was like he had the stealth of a huntress, never one to leave a trace of their presence.

As soon as she was about to turn back towards camp, she heard a faint screech in the distance. Light glowed up above the trees briefly, before settling down into silence once again.

The moment she saw the light again, and the screeching sound that came after it, she bolted in that direction.

"It has to be him." She thought, but how was he creating such a large beam or blast of light? Was he some kind of special child of Apollo?

She ran for a good two or three minutes, weaving through the heavy accumulation of trees, sliding over giant logs that had fell, not worrying anymore about stepping on sticks as they broke under her feet.

Annabeth had been using the light as her guide, but as they became less frequent, ending all together, she only had the direction. Despite that, she eventually came upon a clearing in the forest.

It was outside the camp's borders, just briefly. Why would he train so recklessly where a monster could attack him so easily?

Stepping into the clearing with confidence, what she saw left her utterly shocked.

Percy had his fist clenched around Luke's throat as he slammed him up against a tree, pinning him there as the son of Hermes grabbed onto his arm, trying to pry himself free.

"Percy! Stop!" She cried, forgetting everything as she ran towards them.

His eyes were dark, darker than she'd ever seen them. They immediately softened when his head snapped towards her, watching her pleading expression.

He frowned immensely, throwing the son of Hermes to the ground. Luke tumbled across the grass, like he'd been hit by a truck. What kind of physical strength did this boy possess?

"H-He attacked me!" Luke was either truly scared of Percy, or he was a damn good actor.

Honestly, the way he was looking at him right now, Annabeth wouldn't deny that it could've been both. Even if he was lying, Percy looked awfully scary when he was angry.

"He wouldn't..." Annabeth denied, though there wasn't enough confirmation to go around.

The daughter of Athena looked at Percy, attempting to convey with her eyes that she didn't want to believe Luke. "Is he telling the truth, Percy?"

"He's right."

Annabeth's eyes widened, why would he admit something like that?

"W-Why? I thought you were on our side?"

Percy didn't open his mouth, but he spoke with something more than words as he lifted his hand.

Inside of his palm as he let the small chain dangle on his pinky finger, was a silver scythe, swinging back and forth almost...tauntingly. Percy kept his back to Luke, covering the object with his body.

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