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Everyone's a nerd inside. I don't care how cool you are.

~Channing Tatum.

"All these things are absurd and time consuming!" My mum exclaimed as she went through the list of activities later in the evening.

"I could join the music club." I suggested earning a glare and I shut up immediately.

"And what exactly will you do in music club Lyra, please do enlighten me." she taunted.

"Nothing." I sighed chewing on the inside of my cheek. It was a habit I had developed over the years, it sometime helped to calm my nerves whenever I was around my mother or grandparents.

"I thought so" she scoffed. "Cheerleading, you can barely cheer a baby up" she let out the same small laugh like she had been using for the last hour. "All this is trash, its decided, you are going to a new school."

"I checked the Harvard form, there is a spot for me to fill in my extracurricular activity." I spoke quickly.

"We'll make up on."

"What happens when they ask me questions?"

"You'll be prepped in advance." She shrugged like it was nothing.

"And what if they change the questions?"

"What's your point." She glared tiredly.

"I could just pick on of these activities here." I shrugged

"Like what, basketball, you can't through anything with those weak arms let alone play soccer with those legs." she mocked "or maybe art when you can barely draw a line, stop trying to embarrass us, it is enough as it is."

"I was thinking tutoring, tutoring someone will basically mean me revising." I swallowed hard hoping she got my point.

"I'll think about it."

"But I've got till tonight to pick one."

"Transferring is an option too, now go study."

"Mum-" I looked at her in disbelief.

"I said go to your room and study now!" She snapped making me run off to my room.

Not feeling the mood to study, I locked my door and sulked at how miserable my life was. I've been to numerous schools and I was tired of transferring.

The next morning my mother told me not to bother getting ready because I would not be going to school.

I just stayed indoor studying and reading novels, I never had a social life either at home or school, my mother said it would distract me from 'our' main goal. The weekend came and it went by really slow.

"Lyra Robyn Colburn!" My mother's sharp voice reached my ears and pulled me out of my sleep. "Lyra!"

Groaning I got out of bed and went to see what she wanted.

"Why aren't you ready yet?" She narrowed her eyes dangerously at me after eyeing me the grey pyjamas I had on.

"oh" I gasped, I can't believe I had forgotten it was a Monday.

"Stop gasping, go and get ready, you've got 20 minutes." She ordered and I quickly run to my room.

I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth and over curly hair which my mum had somehow forgotten to have straightened, she ensured it every weekend.

Unlike most people, all my clothes where arranged perfectly, I had a outfit set for every day of the week this month, so I just got it out and put it on along with a pair of my converse sneakers. Grabbing my backpack and rushed downstairs where mum was waiting.

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