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The only rule is don't be boring and dress cute wherever you go. Life is too short to blend in.

~Paris Hilton

"Mr Robertson please." I pleaded with my calculus teacher.

"It was your choice Lyra not mine, you'll have to handle her." He responded.

"I can't, you need to hear me out, Janet Yuki is the worst, I need someone else to tutor."

"No, how many students will you change all because you can't stand their behavior, it's not a valid reason."

"Easy for you to say." I scoffed.

"Really, I teach all those 'dull self absorbed' human beings and I don't have a choice, yeah, I've got it easy." He responded sarcastically.

"Well I'd rather transfer schools than deal with that dumb, self centered bully." I stated picking up my backpack off the ground.

"Fine, I'll give you an 'easier student'." Mr Robertson sighed giving in to my demand.

"Really, thank you" I smiled.

"You are so lucky you are my star student." He rolled his eyes "You'll meet him in the gym after school."

"OK, thank you."

"His the last change I'll be making." He warned "if you fail him it's bye bye Great Ridge Memorial."

"OK sir, thank you." I smiled and left his office.

So in the last month I'd changed about 6 students as I couldn't stand them, they were either too self absorbed jerks or bullies and I couldn't handle them.

Later that day after classes, I made my way to the gym to meet my new student.

"This isn't geek club nerd!" One of the boys who I recognized from History class yelled.

"Yeah nerd, try the Einstein's house." another added causing all the boys on the court to burst into laughter.

"Nerd, come here." I heard a deep baritone voice with a hint of an Italian accent call.

"Didn't you hear him." An all too familiar voice added making me groan.

'Marcus!' I threw a fit in my head. I used to attend the same preschool as him back in Chicago.

"You heard me!" The baritone voice spoke again. Not bothering to look at whom the voice belonged to, I dragged my feet over to court thinking it belonged to the teacher but boy was I wrong.

"Aah, Ms junior Einstein, we meet again" I heard Marcus taunt.

I didn't respond, I just stared at my shoes.

"What are you doing here, nerds aren't allowed in here." The baritone voice asked in a taunting tone but I dared not respond, all I wanted was to get out of this room as quickly as I most possibly could but it now looked impossible seeing as I was now surrounded by sweaty jocks.

"I think she needs a lil push, her complex metabolic molecular chemical atomic brain isn't working." A guy mocked and I resisted the urge to correct him, no one and I mean no one with the right mind would ever say that, educated or not but then again that just proves how dull these athletic morons are. No offense to those who are athletic as well as intelligent.

"Look at me." Mr baritone voice spoke with authority. "Look at me" he ordered and I obliged, I averted my gaze and my almost translucent emerald orbs met his cold icy blue ones. I swear I felt like I was in a trans.

"What are you doing on my court nerd." He spoke not once breaking eye contact and making this even more intense. I gulped nervously. "Are you a mute?" He furrowed his thick dark eyebrows.

"N-n-no." I stuttered shaking my head.

"Then-" He cocked his eybrow.

"I-I-I was s-supposed to meet the person I'll be tutoring here." I looked away from his intense gaze that made me feel really uncomfortable.

"Hmm." He hummed in response "but do any of us here look like we are empty heads to you." He mocked.

"No-no." I shook my head, even though I was screaming yes internally but I wasn't going to say it out loud.

"So." He moved closer to me.

"I-I'm sorry." the grip on my books tightened.

"That doesn't answer the question." He lifted my chin with his finger making me look at him again.

"M-mr Robertson directed me here." I gulped "He said I would meet the student here."

"Does this look like a library or classroom to you."

"N-no" I shook my head.

"You broke the rules." He tsked making me look at him in utter shock.

"R-ules, I didn't know, I- I'm sorry."

"Disappear before I punish you." he whispered darkly in my ear. I didn't need him to repeat himself, in a couple of minutes, I run out of the gym terrified.

I bent over, hands on my knees and tried to catch my breathe when I was sure I was far away from the gym and those jerks.

"You should be on the sprinting team." Someone spoke behind me making me jump fearing it was one of the gym boys.

"Relax." The person who happened to be a purple and pink haired girl laughed.

Irritated, I sighed.

"I swear you could beat Usain Bolt." She kept laughing.

"Good to know." I straightened myself and walked off to the Mr Robertson's office.

"Don't tell me you failed this one too." Was the first thing he said as soon as I entered.

"What, no." I frowned.

"Then why are you here, you are supposed to be tutoring not in my office 20 minutes after meeting your student." he gave me a pointed look.

"That's the thing, I didn't meet him." I defended myself.

"What do you mean?"

"I went to the gymnasium like you told me and all I found was the basketball team who by the way were very mean to me, they claimed I had broken the rules, I don't even-" I kept rumbling.

"Sit." I heard Mr Robertson say.

"I'm already seated." I looked at him confused.

"Not you, him." He pointed behind me and I looked behind only to see the guy from gym.

"Hello." He waved at me as tho he had not just traumatized me. He nodded at Mr Robertson as he plopped onto the chair beside me and I moved in mine not wanting to be close to him.

''She's your tutor for the rest of this school year." He pointed at me.

"No, not him." I whined.

"I think we talked about this earlier Ms Colburn, did we not?" He sighed pinching his bridge of his nose.

"Yes sir." I sighed pulling the sleeves on my jersey.

"Good now introduce yourselves."

"Raphael Vicario." The gym guy smirked.

"Lyra, Lyra Colburn."

"Lyra." My name rolled off his tongue with ease and his accent made it sound nicer than it actually was.

"Good now both of you out of my office." He pointed to the door. "Be nice to each other, I'm not going to change this pair even if your parents themselves complained on your behalf.

"Now have a good day." He stated and we got up leaving.

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